Press Release
For Immediate Release: 
September 15, 2022
Contact Info: 
Raymond Rodriguez 202-225-3130
WASHINGTON, DC – House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today in recognition of Hispanic Heritage Month, which begins today, September 15, and runs through October 15:  

"As we mark the start of Hispanic Heritage Month, I join in celebrating the many contributions that Latinos have made to America's culture, economy, and democracy.  Multiculturalism has been and always will be our democracy’s greatest strength.  Throughout my time in Congress, I have worked with my colleagues in the Congressional Hispanic Caucus to ensure that Latinos can access the opportunities that make the American Dream possible and share equally in the work of building a better future for our country.

"From lowering health-care, prescription-drug, and energy costs to creating millions of high-wage union jobs, our Democratic House Majority has enacted critical legislation to create opportunities for Hispanic Americans and to help address many of the economic and social inequities they have faced for years.  Additionally, House Democrats passed the American Dream and Promise Act last year, which would create a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers and those holding T.P.S. and D.E.D. status and ensure that they and their families can live with greater certainty in the country they have long called home. Last Congress, Democrats also enacted the National Museum of the American Latino Act, ​which was a step forward in the longstanding effort to establish this important addition to the Smithsonian Institution and to pay tribute to 500 years of Hispanic-American history.

"From Cesar Chavez's work defending and expanding workers' rights to Julia Alvarez's inspiring prose and poetry that have enriched American culture, the Hispanic-American community has made indelible contributions to every facet of our country.  Hispanic Americans have established businesses that help communities prosper.  They have served as first responders and members of our Armed Forces to help keep all Americans safe, and many worked as front-line health-care workers during the darkest days of the COVID-19 pandemic, saving lives.  They have held positions of public trust and have fought to ensure that our nation lives up to its founding principles.  This month, as we reflect on everything that Latinos have done for America, Democrats renew our pledge to do everything we can to help them Make It In America."