
Social Updates

  • My deepest condolences to the loved

    ones of Richmond Police Officer Seara Burton. Please join me in praying for her family, friends, and the entire Richmond Police Department during this very difficul...

  • Tomorrow, my staff will be hosting

    mobile office hours to assist constituents with federal issues from 3pm-5pm at the Battle Ground Fire Station. For more information on tomorrow's mobile office hours...

  • 55% of Americans recently surveyed

    have said their incomes have not kept pace with the rising costs of everyday goods and services-- and half of those polled received pay increases. The bottom line is...

  • Inflation is not at 8.3%-- that's

    the equivalent of losing an entire month's paycheck. More Americans are reporting that they're delaying retirement or even considering financing groceries. It's pas...

  • Rep. Baird speaks about his bill, the Mathematical and Statistical Modeling Education Act
  • Rep. Baird delivers remarks on the PART Act
  • 6.17.22 Week In Review
  • 6.24.22 Week in Review

Issue & Legislation

Date Roll Call Bill Number Title Vote
09/15 437 H.R. 2988 Whistleblower Protection Improvement Act of 2021 Nay
09/15 436 H.Amdt. 314 Amendments en bloc comprised of amendments numbered 1, 2, 3,... No
09/15 435 H.R. 8326 Ensuring a Fair and Accurate Census Act Nay
09/15 434 H.Amdt. 316 Amendment sought to eliminate for-cause removal requirements... Aye
09/15 433 H.Amdt. 315 Amendments en bloc comprised of amendments numbered 1 and 3,... No
More Legislation