• Congress Passes Landmark Health, Energy, and Climate Law

    On August 12, the House passed the Inflation Reduction Act, landmark legislation to help seniors and working families, curb climate change, create millions of good new jobs, reduce the national debt, make big corporations and the wealthy pay more of their fair share of taxes, and put downward pressure on inflation.
  • House Approves Build Back Better Act

    On November 19, the House approved H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act. This bill would create good jobs, curb climate change, make our country more economically competitive, and rebuild the American middle class with more affordable health insurance, less expensive prescription drugs, and more affordable childcare.
  • Congress Approves Landmark Infrastructure Law

    The House gave final approval to H.R. 3684, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, and sent it to President Biden for his signature. This bill contains nearly $1 Trillion in funding over the next five years for modernizing and repairing our nation's crumbling infrastructure.
  • Congress Approves American Rescue Plan Act

    The House gave final approval to H.R. 1319, the American Rescue Plan Act, and sent it to President Biden for his signature. This bill contains $1.9 Trillion in funding to speed up vaccination of Americans for COVID-19; reopen our schools; provide needed relief to households, small businesses, and state and local governments; and put people back to work.
  • Doyle Votes to Protect Workers’ Right to Organize

    The House voted with Congressman Doyle's support to approve H.R. 842, the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act - pro-worker legislation that would help rebuild the American middle class by protecting the basic right to join a union, hold employers accountable for violating workers’ rights, and conduct free, fair, and safe votes to establish unions.

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