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Legislative Work

Agriculture is Pennsylvania’s number one industry and remains a main source of income for our state.
The issue of education is important to our district and to my work in Congress.
I’ve always fought to protect the rights of every American to choose their doctor and get the treatment which works best for them and their family.
“America’s belief in the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is what makes our nation the greatest in the world. As long as I represent the 16th District of Pennsylvania, I will continue to defend these unalienable rights, and work to protect the most vulnerable among us, especially the unborn.”
Rep. Kelly is a strong believer in the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. It protects law-abiding citizens from the government’s infringement on our right to keep and bear arms.
Rep. Kelly believes every hardworking American deserves a comfortable retirement. With Pennsylvanians living longer and spending more of their golden years in retirement, it is important they have an adequate nest egg for a secure retirement.
As a senior member of the House Ways and Means Committee, Rep. Kelly plays an important role in planning for the federal government’s revenue and spending blueprint determining how best to raise revenue and wisely spend taxpayer dollars.
Our infrastructure is strongly interconnected with Americans’ way of life, the U.S. economy, and our national defense. We must reinvest in our country’s infrastructure today to support the cars, planes, and railroads that move goods and services, and the millions of Americans that use federal roads and highways.
There are many veterans that live in our district and their issues are important to me and to my work in Congress.

Latest News

Rep. Kelly visits the Southern border in 2021.
September 16, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- This week, following a 17-month inquiry by U.S. Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA), the U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services (HHS) provided Rep. Kelly and the House Judiciary Committee documents connected to the emergency intake site established in Erie, Pennsylvania in April 2021.

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September 14, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, U.S. Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA) voted for the Improving Seniors’ Timely Access to Care Act (H.R.

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September 13, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Following today's report showing August's year-to-year inflation rate of 8.3% was higher-than-expected, U.S. Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA) issued the following statement.

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