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Welcome, I'm Rashida Tlaib.

I'm proudly representing all of our neighbors in Michigan’s 13th Congressional District. What can I help you with today?

The Latest

From My Office

Sep 16, 2022
Representatives Tlaib, Bush, Bowman Introduce Resolution Recognizing Access to Utilities as a Human Right

Washington D.C. (September 16, 2022) – This week, Representatives Rashida Tlaib (MI-13), Cori Bush (MO-01) andJamaal Bowman Ed.D (NY-16) introduced the Resolution Recognizing the Human Rights to Utilities, which would recognize access to water, sanitation, electricity, heating, cooling, public transit, and broadband communications as basic human rights and public services that must be accessible, safe, acceptable, sufficient, affordable, justly sourced and […]

News and Announcements

Aug 12, 2022
Justice for All

Congresswoman Tlaib Statement on the Inflation Reduction Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (MI-13) released the following statement regarding the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which passed in the United States House of Representatives on Friday: “Today, the House passed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). While this bill delivers essential lowered costs on prescription drugs and health care, some affordability on insulin […]

Aug 11, 2022

Congresswoman Tlaib Introduces Resolution Calling for New Streaming Royalty to Fairly Pay Music Artists

WASHINGTON, D.C. – This week, Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (MI-13) introduced House Concurrent Resolution 102, a new resolution recognizing the need to establish a new royalty program that would directly compensate musicians with a fairer royalty payment every time their music is listened to on a streaming music service, like Spotify. “Streaming has become an increasingly popular choice for […]

Jul 26, 2022
In the News

Rashida Tlaib Calls for Congress to Create a New Streaming Royalty

Representative Rashida Tlaib, Democrat of Michigan, has announced that she will be proposing a Congressional Resolution to establish a new streaming royalty, according to Rolling Stone. The congresswoman sent a letter to her colleagues announcing the upcoming proposal, which aims to improve the economic circumstances that working musicians face throughout the United States. “While the music […]

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Justice for All

Michigan’s 13th Congressional District has a Black majority, more than twenty different ethnicities comprise its population, and nearly nine percent of its population is foreign-born. In short, the 13th is home to a beautifully diverse place. Our residents may have different needs and priorities, but at the most basic level, we must protect civil rights and voting rights and ensure a quality education for all. It is also imperative that we work to help create a better pathway toward citizenship for our immigrant communities. Justice for All Civil Rights Act Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (MI-13) introduced the Justice for All (JFA) Act of 2020, historic legislation that pushes back against decades of conservative court rulings to restore the original intent of our civil rights laws by reaffirming the availability of discrimination claims based on disparate impact. The JFA Act includes a private right of action and a prohibition on forced arbitration, both essential to allowing victims of discrimination, actual or perceived, to vindicate their rights, enjoin discriminatory behavior, and/or receive an award of damages and attorneys’ fees. Specifically, Justice For All restores and expands protections of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Fair Housing Act of 1968, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.  America’s most critical civil rights laws have been significantly undermined by conservative court rulings over the years, including the elimination of the availability of civil rights claims based on disparate impact rather than the more difficult to prove discriminatory intent. Tlaib’s bill would result in expanded protections, stronger civil rights, and a more inclusive America by, in part: Amending the aforementioned civil rights laws to prohibit actions which have a discriminatory effect, regardless of any discriminatory intent, and providing tools – including a private right of action – to combat intentional and unintentional discrimination against people based on (actual or perceived) race, color, religion, sex, disability, age, or national origin. Protecting people from discrimination in all aspects of life, including housing, schooling, public accommodations, employment, government facilities, privatized government functions, federally funded programs, and any commercial establishment (online or physical). Prohibiting the use of compelled arbitration clauses, which are frequently used to extinguish consumer and employee rights. Eliminating qualified immunity for government employees, which allows them to escape responsibility for their actions, and establishing that units of government are liable for the acts of their officials, including, most importantly, police officers who violate people’s civil rights. The bill also prohibits racial and gender profiling in police investigations and activity. Holding all employers accountable for the actions of all employees and eliminating court-created defenses that allow employers to escape liability for creating hostile work environments. Giving victims of disparate impact discrimination the compensation they deserve and the attorney’s fees necessary to allow civil rights lawyers to take up their cases. Clarifying the definition of “sex” for purposes of civil rights to include sexual orientation, pregnancy, gender identity, sex stereotypes, or any sex-related traits. No matter how you identify, our civil rights laws must protect you. A summary of the Justice For All Act can be found here.

Ending Poverty

Michigan’s 13th Congressional District is the third poorest in our nation. It is so important that our communities have access to resources that result in a better quality of life. We are championing issues like raising the minimum wage and the Green Jobs Act, preventing insurance redlining, expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit, and protecting low income housing. These are all issues that affect our residents’ financial health and puts them on a path toward stability and prosperity. BOOST Act The Building Our Opportunities to Survive and Thrive (BOOST) Act will address poverty and provide relief for low- and moderate-income households by introducing a new tax credit for working class individuals and families. The bill provides additional income to and serves as a buffer for people and families who have seen their cost of living rise without their wages increasing at the same pace. Unlike the GOP Tax Scam, which was purported to benefit these families but only slashed their refunds, the BOOST Act will put real money in their pockets. Read more about my work on this issue.

Environmental Justice

Experiencing respiratory illness, fallout from environmental emissions, and noxious odors on a daily basis has a profound negative impact on our communities’ quality of life. Protecting our air and water goes hand in hand with protecting our health, especially from the corporate polluters who place profit over people. Read more about my work on this issue.

Recent Votes

Jul 15, 2022

Women’s Health Protection Act


Bill Passed

how i voted

Voted Yes