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Transportation & Infrastructure Member Designated Projects

Member Designated Projects:

The U.S. House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure announced March 3, 2021, that the Committee will accept requests for Member Designated Projects to be considered for inclusion in the upcoming surface transportation reauthorization legislation under a reformed process that includes new transparency measures. 

Project Requirements:

The Committee requires all Member submissions to include the following information for each project requested:

  • Documentation of whether the project is on the State, Tribal, or territorial transportation improvement program (STIP); and on the metropolitan transportation improvement program (TIP), if applicable
  • Sources of funding for the full share of the cost of the project beyond the amount requested
  • Letter(s) of support from the State department of transportation, or local government, transit agency, or other non-Federal sponsor
  • A description of the process that has been or will be followed to provide an opportunity for public comment on the project
  • Project phase (e.g. Planning, Final Design, Construction)
  • NEPA category of action (e.g. Categorical Exclusion, Environmental Assessment, Environmental Impact Statement)
  • Status of environmental review
  • Whether the project has received Federal funding previously, and if so the source and amount
  • Certification that the Member, their spouse, and other immediate family members do not have a financial interest in the project

More information can be found here:

Please note: The Committee’s Member Designated Projects process is separate from the House Committee on Appropriations’ process for Community Funding Project requests.


Representative Bill Keating Projects Requested: 


Project Name: Bourne Rail Trail

Project Location: Bourne and Falmouth, MA

Project Sponsor: Towns of Bourne and Falmouth, MA in conjunction with Friends of the Bourne Rail Trail

Requested Amount: $18,410,851


Project Name: West Rodney French Boulevard 

Project Location: New Bedford, MA

Project Sponsor: City of New Bedford, MA

Requested Amount: $2,971,100


Project Name: Cherry & Court St Intersection

Project Location: Plymouth, MA

Project Sponsor: Town of Plymouth, MA

Requested Amount: $2,000,000


Project Name: Herring River Project

Project Location: Wellfleet, MA

Project Sponsor: Town of Wellfleet, MA             

Requested Amount: $17,500,000


Project Name: Tickle Road Roundabout

Project Location: Westport, MA

Project Sponsor: Town of Westport, MA

Requested Amount: $2,300,000


Project Name: Pembroke Pavement Management Project          

Project Location: Pembroke, MA

Project Sponsor: Town of Pembroke, MA

Requested Amount: $2,059,790


Project Name: Blue Lane Working Waterfront Connector

Project Location: New Bedford, MA

Project Sponsor: City of New Bedford, MA

Requested Amount: $2,800,000


Project Name: Kirby Brook Culvert Bridge

Project Location: Westport, MA

Project Sponsor: Town of Westport, MA

Requested Amount: $750,000