Appropriations Committee Approves Fiscal Year 2023 Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Funding Bill

June 30, 2022
Press Release
Legislation creates jobs, rebuilds crumbling infrastructure, expands access to safe and affordable housing, and promotes safety

WASHINGTON — The House Appropriations Committee today approved the fiscal year 2023 Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies bill on a 32 to 24 vote.

For 2023, the bill provides funding of $90.9 billion, an increase of $9.9 billion – more than 12 percent – above 2022. This includes an increase of $8.9 billion for the Department of Housing and Urban Development and $837 million for the Department of Transportation. In total, the bill provides $168.5 billion in total budgetary resources, an increase of $11.5 billion above 2022. The legislation:

  • Creates and sustains tens of thousands of good-paying American jobs by rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure with significant investments in airports, highways, transit, passenger rail, and port systems.
  • Grows opportunity through homeownership and rental assistance, including more than 140,000 new housing vouchers targeted to individuals and families experiencing or at risk of homelessness and approximately 5,600 new units for seniors and persons with disabilities.
  • Supports the vulnerable with public housing safety, maintenance, and improvement investments, such as the remediation of lead paint and radon and installation of energy and water efficient systems.
  • Promotes safe transportation and housing with a skilled and growing workforce to conduct inspections, mitigate hazards, and study emerging threats and innovative solutions
  • Includes more than $2.6 billion to reduce emissions, increase resiliency, and address historical inequities in transportation and housing programs.
  • Supports community projects identified by 331 Members of Congress on both sides of the aisle that increase the safety and viability of our airports, highways, and transit systems as well as strengthen our housing, businesses, and community infrastructure.

“The current challenges and needs in our communities require us to think boldly about the future of infrastructure in our nation,” Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman David E. Price (D-NC-04) said. “This year’s T-HUD bill builds upon the successes of President Biden’s Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, providing critical funding to augment this once-in-a-generation investment. It provides increased funding for rental assistance, expands housing vouchers, expands housing opportunities for the elderly and persons with disabilities, and includes new investments for manufactured housing. Additionally, this Fiscal Year 2023 T-HUD bill furthers our efforts to modernize and make more equitable our nation’s infrastructure by building upon the recent investments to remedy inequities in our transportation and housing systems, bolster our resiliency to a more extreme climate, and address our nation’s affordable housing and homelessness crises. I look forward to its advancement in the appropriations process.”

“With the historic investments included in the 2022 federal spending package and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, we are improving our roads, bridges, and transit systems, but Americans across the country are still living with the consequences of our crumbling transportation infrastructure and aging housing stock. Our annual duty to the American people to ensure we pay our transportation workers, improve the safety of our roads, and improve housing remains,” Appropriations Committee Chair Rosa DeLauro (D-CT-03) said. “These investments are essential pathways to the American Dream and will help grow opportunity for the middle class through homeownership and closing the gap on rent burdens while supporting the vulnerable by preserving affordable housing. This bill makes the critical investments families need to build better futures.”


The following amendments to the bill were adopted by the full Committee:

Rep. Quigley (IL) at the request of Rep. Price (NC) – The manager’s amendment makes technical and noncontroversial changes to the bill and report. The amendment was adopted by voice vote.

Rep. Womack (AR) – This amendment to the bill exempts transporters of livestock, insects, and other agricultural products from having to use Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs). The amendment was adopted by voice vote.

Rep. Diaz-Balart – This amendment renames the Manufactured Housing Improvement and Financing Program to the Preservation and Reinvestment Initiative for Community Enhancement (PRICE). The amendment was adopted by voice vote.

A summary of the bill is here. The text of the draft bill is here. The bill report, before the adoption of amendments in full Committee, is here. In keeping with the Appropriations Committee’s commitment to transparency, information on Community Project Funding in the bill is here.



117th Congress