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500 Days of the American Rescue Plan

500 Days Of The



In March of 2021, House Democrats and President Biden delivered the American Rescue Plan – lifesaving and life-changing legislation that changed the course of the pandemic, created millions of jobs, kickstarted a successful national vaccination program, helped schools reopen, and funded critical projects in communities across the country.



500 days later, here's how the American Rescue Plan gave families and communities the support they needed and put our economy back on track.

Kept 3.7 million American children out of poverty.

Helped make 2021 the biggest year of job creation in U.S. history.

Helped 5.8 million Americans newly enroll in free or affordable health plans.

Nearly doubled GDP growth and led to the creation of 4 million additional jobs in 2021.

Saved 14.5 million Americans who get their insurance through ACA marketplace plans $67 a month on premiums, totaling more than $800 per person in savings in 2021.

Enabled the U.S. to be the first major advanced economy in the world to come back above pre-pandemic levels of GDP.



See the impact of the American Rescue Plan in your state.



Chairman Yarmuth Celebrates 500 Days of American Rescue Plan

“As the lead sponsor of the American Rescue Plan, I am proud to celebrate how this historic legislation has saved lives and led to a record-breaking economic recovery that far surpassed economists’ expectations,” said Chairman Yarmuth. “In the 500 days since it was signed into law, the labor market has been booming and we’ve experienced record job creation. Because of the Rescue Plan, state and local governments were able to keep essential workers on the job and make overdue investments in their communities. Working families were able to put food on the table, parents were able to go to work, and children were able to return to school.”



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