How the House Works

The House of Representatives can feel like a small bustling city. The work of many people—not just elected Representatives, but also police officers, policy experts, carpenters, and more—has kept this small city in business over the centuries. Here, learn more about the surprising history of who and what keeps the House running.

Working in the Chamber

Working in the Chamber

The laws that govern the nation have been debated and voted on in the House Chamber since 1789. Learn about the individuals who kept the process running, from the Speaker of the House to the clerks tallying votes by hand.

Working in Committee

Working in Committee

Committees originated so the House could develop legislation and accomplish the nation’s goals. Hear from Members and staff about how the work of committees has affected everyday people.

Working Behind the Scenes

Working Behind the Scenes

Scores of people have worked behind the scenes since Congress’s earliest days. Find out about the history of stenographers, police officers, and even pie-makers on the Hill.

Working for the People

Working for the People

Members of Congress have always served as a vital link between citizens and government. Step back in time to learn how hand-written petitions, toll-free numbers, and hometown speeches helped connect voters with Representatives.

Related Resources

Related Resources

Explore blog posts and oral histories related to How the House Works.

About the Exhibition

About the Exhibition

Learn more about How the House Works. Find out how to visit the exhibition in person.

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Download the app to get more out of your exhibition tour. View artifacts, documents, and bonus videos, and explore a 3D image of the House Mace.