Twenty Years Since September 11th

Sep 13, 2021
Pelosi Update

The 20th Anniversary of 9/11
Tomorrow marks twenty years since the terrorist attacks on our country on September 11, 2001.  These acts of incomprehensible evil left heartbreaking images forever seared into our collective memory: the Twin Towers collapsing into rubble on the streets of Manhattan, smoke billowing from the Pentagon, Flight 93 crashing down in a Pennsylvania field.  We hold dear the memories of the 3,000 beautiful souls who perished in the attacks and pray for them and their families, who have endured unimaginable pain and sorrow.

Yet, the story of September 11th is also one of extraordinary heroism: from the first responders who charged into danger with courage beyond measure to the everyday Americans who helped New York neighborhoods rebuild from the ashes.  Today, and every day, we reaffirm our sacred commitment to pay tribute to the fallen and their families, the survivors and the heroes. 


Congresswoman Pelosi joins flight attendant and pilot union leaders as they honor the passengers and crew whose lives were lost on September 11, 2001 at the Flight 93 Memorial Plaque in the U.S. Capitol.

Build Back Better with Women
Congressional Democrats are grateful to President Biden for the Build Back Better vision that he has put forth, which puts women at the forefront.  Between February and April 2020, 4.2 million women were forced to drop out of the labor force because they did not have access to child care – and today, nearly two million have not been able to return.

That is why Democrats are committed to Building Back Better with Women, unleashing their full economic potential with:

  • The Biden Child Tax Credit
  • Affordable childcare
  • Free universal pre-K
  • Home health care
  • Paid family and medical leave

This transformation legislation invests roughly $450 billion in lowering the cost of child care, securing universal pre-K for 3- and 4-year-olds and extending the Biden Child Tax Credit expansion enacted in the American Rescue Plan from $2,000 to $3,000 per child six years-old and above, and to $3,600 per child under six.  Democrats commend the vision and leadership of the President as we help parents rejoin the workforce or seek out new opportunities that lead to high-quality jobs.


If you are currently unemployed, here are financial resources available to you in California:


CalWORKs CalFresh
General Relief Program Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
Low-cost health care: Medi-Cal or Covered CA State Tax Credits



Thanks to the American Rescue Plan, Help Is Here!  Make sure you get your Rescue Plan benefits today.

Enhanced Child Tax Credit Small Business Paid Leave Tax Credit
Rental Assistance: California Emergency Broadband Benefits
Rental Assistance: San Francisco COVID-19 Funeral Relief
Affordable Health Care Insurance      Enhanced Earned Income Tax Credit
Employer Tax Credits Economic Impact Payments
Small Business Assistance Enhanced Child Care Assistance


Covered California Special Enrollment
This week, Covered California announced a special-enrollment period for eligible COBRA recipients.  If you are eligible for COBRA coverage, you can switch to Covered California through November 29, 2021.   Consumers who sign up through Covered California before the end of September will have their new Covered California coverage begin October 1. COBRA recipients who want to keep their existing coverage for the balance of 2021 can switch to Covered California during open enrollment and potentially get increased subsidized coverage starting as early as January 1, 2022.  To learn more about coverage options, visit




Keeping Ahead of COVID in San Francisco 
As the Delta variant spreads, you can get vaccinated and continue to take precautions to keep you and your loved ones safe.  For eligible residents over the age of 12, find out where your local free vaccination sites are here.  San Francisco is now offering a third dose of Pfizer or Moderna vaccines to immunocompromised people.  Learn about free testing options in San Francisco, including a high volume testing site at 7th and Brannan in SOMA.  California also announced a digital vaccination portal which can be accessed here





My office was contacted by a small business owner in need of an Economic Injury Disaster Loan increase request as they were unsure of their request status with the Small Business Administration (SBA).  After my staff contacted the SBA, the constituent was awarded the loan increase request to the maximum amount of $500,000
Caseworkers in my San Francisco office work to address any problems or concerns you may have with a federal government agency.  To submit a Casework Authorization Form, please visit my website.

Please feel free to forward this information to your family and friends. To learn more about these efforts, to express your views, or to sign up for email updates, please visit my website. I am also on Twitter at


Member of Congress