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Washington, DC

In my Washington, DC office, internships run throughout the fall, spring or summer semesters for college students, who will gain invaluable work experience. The hours are flexible to accommodate students' hectic course schedules, but generally run 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. when Congress is in session, and 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. when not in session.

In Washington, interns' responsibilities will vary. They will be asked to answer phones, run errands, research legislation for the Member and legislative staff, attend hearings and briefings and answer constituent letters on various issues before the House. As a result, interns learn about the legislative process and the many other functions of a congressional office.

How to Apply

Please send a resume and cover letter to:

If you have any questions regarding interning in our Washington, DC office please call Adriana Rivera at 202-225-5256.

El Monte, California

The Congressional District Office Internship Program in the El Monte office provides a unique opportunity to learn more about the legislative process. Interns will be able to learn about vital community organizations and develop a better understanding of the Federal, State and local governments while providing important constituent services to the residents in the 32nd district.

Duties and Responsibilities

The duties and responsibilities of a Congressional intern will include but are not limited to various office tasks; including answering phones, assisting constituents, sorting mail, research legislation, writing and data entry, assisting staff on special projects, and attending events with the Congresswoman and/or staff.


The internship is open to all college students who are detail-oriented and motivated. Applicants should also possess an ability to prioritize, multi-task under tight deadlines, work well with others, and maintain a positive attitude at all times. Bilingual speakers are encouraged to apply. The hours are flexible and can be arranged during Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with an occasional Saturday for special events.

 Internship Sessions

Spring Session:  February through the end of April

Summer Session:  May through the end of July

Fall Session:  September through the end of November

How to Apply

Please send a resume and cover letter to:

Please indicate which session you are applying for on your cover letter. To be considered for an interview your resume must be received at least three weeks prior to the start of your preferred session.

If you have any questions regarding interning in our El Monte District office please call Carrie Lam at 626-350-0150.