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Sponsored Legislation

One of Bill’s responsibilities as your Representative in Congress is to introduce legislation and support the legislation of other Members of Congress that would benefit the residents of Massachusetts’s 9th District, in addition to the American people as a whole.  

When a Member of Congress sponsors a piece of legislation, it means they are the primary Member to introduce a bill for consideration.

When a Member of Congress cosponsors a piece of legislation, it means they have added their name as a supporter of a bill that has been introduced by another Member.  An “original cosponsor” is one whose name was listed as a cosponsor when the bill was introduced.  There is no limit as to how many cosponsors a piece of legislation can have.

Bill takes pride in working with Members on both sides of the aisle to advance legislation that will make a real difference in the lives of our citizens.

Below are links to the legislation that Bill has either sponsored or cosponsored.

Legislation Sponsored by Bill

Legislation Cosponsored by Bill