Issue Report ● Immigration Reform
For Immediate Release: 
March 19, 2021
Contact Info: 
Margaret Mulkerrin 202-225-3130



This week, the Democratic-led House continued its ambitious legislative schedule with major actions to promote women's equality, protect women against domestic violence, protect Dreamers, and prevent cuts to Medicare. 

Marking Women's History Month, the House adopted a resolution affirming once again our view that Virginia's ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment in 2020 caused it to reach the threshold for adoption into our Constitution.  This amendment would enshrine women's equality in our Constitution once and for all. Additionally, the House took action this week to pass the bipartisan Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA) that we approved last Congress but that was not even considered by Senate Republicans.  Now that the Senate is led by Democrats, I am hopeful that this long-overdue reauthorization of VAWA will receive the Floor consideration it is due in the Senate, and President Biden - the author of the original 1994 law - has indicated his eagerness to sign it.  The COVID-19 pandemic and its lockdowns exacerbated domestic violence.  It is critical that law enforcement has the tools needed to prevent violence against women and girls and crack down on intimate partner violence, stalking, and sexual assault. 

The House also took major steps this week to begin fixing our broken immigration system.  First, the House passed H.R. 6, the American Dream and Promise Act, which would enable Dreamers and those holding T.P.S. and D.E.D. status to remain here in the country they have long called home.  Second, a broad bipartisan coalition approved the Farm Workforce Modernization Act, which makes critical reforms to the H-2A visa program and provides a pathway to permanent legal status for agricultural workers and their families who play such a critical role in our nation's food production.  Both of these bills passed the House with bipartisan support and are broadly popular with the American people.  I hope the Senate will take up and pass both bills without delay. 

This morning, the House adopted legislation to ensure that the American Rescue Plan enacted earlier this month will not be used by Republicans to force cuts to Medicare, farm supports, and other programs. There is no question that the public health and economic crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic are precisely the kind of national emergencies that are exempt from the statutory PAYGO law. I urge the Senate to act swiftly.

Sincerely yours,

Steny H. Hoyer

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Legislation Honoring Women’s History Month Immigration Reform Legislation Other News