Press Release ● Racial Equity & Equal Justice for All
For Immediate Release: 
January 18, 2021
Contact Info: 
Annaliese Davis 202-225-3130
WASHINGTON, DC - House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today  in commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day:

“This year, marking the celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s life with acts of service and charity takes on a new importance, as millions of our fellow Americans are struggling to get through the public health and economic crises we face. The COVID-19 pandemic exposed significant racial disparities in health care delivery, outcomes, and preventive efforts, forcing every American to confront the reality of bias and inequality in our country. At the same time, it has highlighted economic disparities that continue to hold millions back from accessing opportunities equally and sharing in the American Dream. All of us ought to reflect anew on these disparities and redouble our efforts on this day and every day to strive for their  elimination. 

“In 2021, we also celebrate Dr. King’s legacy at a moment when we so sorely need his voice of resolve, non-violence, and unity for justice in our national discourse. Last summer, tens of millions of Americans marched peacefully in protest against the mistreatment of African Americans during encounters with police and the killing of innocents as a result of systemic bias in our justice system and in law enforcement. While I am proud that the House took swift action to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, it unfortunately went nowhere in the Republican-led Senate. With a new Congress and a new Administration, we can take long overdue action. But we all have so much more work to do to establish justice and ensure that it is applied blindly and fairly to all. Let us look to Dr. King for inspiration in this effort and as we seek to unite our nation behind this cause of justice through constructive non-violence and faith in our Constitution and our democracy.”