80th to 89th Congresses (1947–1967)

January 3, 1947 to October 22, 1966

Congress and YearSession   Beginning
House Recesses
1Jan. 3, 1947 Dec. 19, 1947 145144Jul. 28-Nov. 16, 1947
 2 Jan. 6, 1948 Dec. 31, 1948 109107Jun. 21-July 25, 1948**
Aug. 8-Dec. 30, 1948**
1 Jan. 3, 1949 Oct. 19, 1949 166166Apr. 15-24, 1949
 2 Jan. 3, 1950 Jan. 2, 1951 175175Apr. 7-Apr. 17, 1950;
Sept. 24-Nov. 26, 1950
1Jan. 3, 1951 Oct. 20, 1951 163163Mar. 23-Apr. 1, 1951

Aug. 24,-Sept. 11, 1951
 2Jan. 8, 1952 July 7, 1952 111111 Apr. 11-Apr. 21, 1952
1Jan. 3, 1953 Aug. 3, 1953 116116 Apr. 3-Apr. 12, 1953
 2 Jan. 6, 1954 Dec. 2, 1954 128128 Apr. 16-25, 1954

Adjourned sine die Aug. 20, 1954
1 Jan. 5, 1955 Aug. 2, 1955 110110Apr. 5-12, 1955
 2 Jan. 3, 1956 July 27, 1956 118118Mar. 30-Apr. 8, 1956
1Jan. 3, 1957 Aug. 30, 1957 141141 Apr. 19-Apr. 28, 1957
 2 Jan. 7, 1958 Aug. 24, 1958135134Apr. 4-13, 1958
1 Jan. 7, 1959 Sep. 15, 1959 146146Mar. 27-Apr. 6, 1959
 2Jan. 6, 1960  Sep. 1, 1960 125123 July 4-Aug. 14 1960
1Jan. 3, 1961 Sep. 27, 1961 147147 Mar. 31-Apr. 9, 1961
 2 Jan. 10, 1962 Oct. 13, 1962158158 Apr. 20-29, 1962
1 Jan. 9, 1963 Dec. 30, 1963 186186Apr. 11-21, 1963
 2Jan. 7, 1964 Oct. 3, 1964 148148 Mar. 27-Apr. 5, 1964

July 3-19, 1964

Aug. 22-30, 1964
1 Jan. 4, 1965 Oct. 23, 1965 174173 
 2Jan. 10, 1966 Oct. 22, 1966 163163 Apr. 8-17, 1966

June 1-10, 1966

*Indicates that a special session of the House and/or Senate was convened during a Congress. Article II, Section 3 of the constitution provides that the President "may, on extraordinary occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them." This procedure occurs only if the Congress is convened by presidential proclamation. Extraordinary sessions have been called by the Chief Executive to urge the Congress to focus on important national issues. These are separate sessions of Congress, unless otherwise noted. Source: Congressional Directory; House Journal.

** President Harry S. Truman called the Congress into extraordinary session twice, both times during the 80th Congress. Each time Congress had essentially wrapped up its business for the year, but for technical reasons had not adjourned sine die, so in each case the extraordinary session is considered an extension of the regularly numbered session rather than a separately numbered one. The dates of these extraordinary sessions were Nov. 17 to Dec. 19. 1947, and July 26 to Aug. 7, 1948.


1The adjournment date is consistently referred to as the last calendar date of the session, regardless of the legislative day.

2"Calendar days" is defined as the total number of calendar days from the convening date to adjournment date that Congress met during that session. “Legislative days” indicates the total days Congress recorded as a working parliamentary day.