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Second Amendment

I will forever be a champion for the Second Amendment – the right of law-abiding citizens to bear arms is vital to the protection of our other liberties. That’s why I proudly supported the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act and oppose universal background checks, buy backs, assault weapons bans, and red flag laws. Some of my work includes:

  • Introduced the Freedom Financing Act that prevents banks from refusing to provide services to the legal firearms industry (H.R. 2079).

  • I am a cosponsor of the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act (H.R. 38) to make sure all Americans who can legally conceal carry can do it across state lines.

  • I am a cosponsor of legislation that protects sportsmen’s and hunters rights to use firearms on public lands and for sport (H.R. 877 and H.R. 1222).

  • Voted Against Enhanced background checks (H.R. 8 and H.R. 1112) that would be burdensome to law abiding citizens expressing their 2nd Amendment right.

  • Spoke out against assault weapons bans because many guns look like military style weapons but use small caliber ammo and are popular for hunting. We shouldn’t be banning certain guns based on the appearance.

More on Second Amendment

Jun 7, 2022 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressman Roger Williams (TX-25) sent a letter to Speaker Pelosi urging her to bring bipartisan bills to the House floor instead of a partisan gun control package that will be voted on later this week. You can read the full letter by clicking here.

Mar 10, 2021 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressman Roger Williams (R-TX-25) released the following statement after voting NO on H.R. 8, the Universal Background Checks Act and H.R. 1446, the Enhanced Background Checks Act.