The Honorable Sue Myrick

The first woman mayor of Charlotte and the first Republican Congresswoman from North Carolina, Sue Myrick won election to Congress during the “Republican Revolution” of 1994. Myrick played an influential role in her party as a freshman class liaison to the leadership, a member of the Rules Committee, and chair of the Republican Study Committee.

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Responsibility of Public Figures

The Honorable Sue Myrick remembers speaking out about her experience with breast cancer and the effect it had on her female constituents.
The Honorable Sue Myrick, U.S. Representative of North Carolina
Interview recorded March 14, 2016 Deed of Gift

Abstract & Transcript

U.S. Representative from North Carolina (January 3, 1995-January 3, 2013)

Spurred into action by a local land dispute, Sue Myrick began her political career on the city council before making history as the first woman mayor of Charlotte, North Carolina. Myrick used her experience and name recognition to win a seat in Congress, achieving another milestone as the first Republican woman elected to Congress from North Carolina. In her interview, Myrick recalls her time as freshman class liaison, a position that provided unique access to the leadership during a monumental period that saw Republicans gain control of the House for the first time in 40 years.

In her oral history, Myrick reflects on how her personal fight against breast cancer influenced her legislative career and strengthened her resolve to draw attention to women’s health. She also describes her successful challenge against an institutional tradition that discouraged women Members and staff from wearing pants on the House Floor. During her nearly two decades in the House, she emerged as a spokesperson for conservatives in her party, earning assignments on the influential Rules, Intelligence, and Energy and Commerce committees. In her oral history, Myrick reflects on the role of women in her party and shares her memories of chairing the Republican Study Committee.


MYRICK, Sue, a Representative from North Carolina; born in Tiffin, Seneca County, Ohio, August 1, 1941; graduated from Port Clinton High School, Port Clinton, Ohio; attended Heidelberg College, Tiffin, Ohio, 1959–1960; at–large member, Charlotte, N.C., city council, 1983–1985; mayor, Charlotte, N.C., 1987–1991; unsuccessful candidate for nomination to the United States Senate in 1992; elected as a Republican to the One Hundred Fourth and to the eight succeeding Congresses (January 3, 1995–January 3, 2013); was not a candidate for reelection to the One Hundred Thirteenth Congress in 2012.

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Staying Grounded

Using “Sue” on her campaign buttons was more than an easy way for voters to remember Congresswoman Sue Myrick’s name. She used it as a promise and a reminder to stay grounded.
The Honorable Sue Myrick, U.S. Representative of North Carolina
Interview recorded March 14, 2016 Deed of Gift

Freshman Class Liaison

The Honorable Sue Myrick remembers interacting with leadership as a freshman.
The Honorable Sue Myrick, U.S. Representative of North Carolina
Interview recorded March 14, 2016 Deed of Gift

Congresswomen's Caucus

The Honorable Sue Myrick reflects on the importance of the leadership positions in the Congresswomen's Caucus.
The Honorable Sue Myrick, U.S. Representative of North Carolina
Interview recorded Narch 14, 2016 Deed of Gift

Working Together

The Honorable Sue Myrick remembers women encouraging compromise and harmony within the House.
The Honorable Sue Myrick, U.S. Representative of North Carolina
Interview recorded March 14, 2016 Deed of Gift

Taking Work Home

The Honorable Sue Myrick shares memories of women Members working after hours.
The Honorable Sue Myrick, U.S. Representative of North Carolina
Interview recorded March 14, 2016 Deed of Gift

Institutional Change

The Honorable Sue Myrick recalls working with other women to break House tradition surrounding women's attire.
The Honorable Sue Myrick, U.S. Representative of North Carolina
Interview recorded March 14, 2016 Deed of Gift

Hiring Women

The Honorable Sue Myrick recalls employing and promoting women whenever possible.
The Honorable Sue Myrick, U.S. Representative of North Carolina
Interview recorded March 14, 2016 Deed of Gift

Responsibility of Public Figures

The Honorable Sue Myrick remembers speaking out about her experience with breast cancer and the effect it had on her female constituents.
The Honorable Sue Myrick, U.S. Representative of North Carolina
Interview recorded March 14, 2016 Deed of Gift

Women and Leadership

The Honorable Sue Myrick discusses the challenges of getting women in leadership positions.
The Honorable Sue Myrick, U.S. Representative of North Carolina
Interview recorded March 14, 2016 Deed of Gift

Lack of Mentoring for Women

The Honorable Sue Myrick discusses the difference she has noticed between men and women mentors.
The Honorable Sue Myrick, U.S. Representative of North Carolina
Interview recorded March 14, 2016 Deed of Gift

"Nobody Wants to Work Together"

The Honorable Sue Myrick discusses the changing sense of bipartisanship in modern politics.
The Honorable Sue Myrick, U.S. Representative of North Carolina
Interview recorded March 14, 2016 Deed of Gift

Challenges Facing Women Candidates

The Honorable Sue Myrick encourages women to run for national office and explains the importance of fundraising.
The Honorable Sue Myrick, U.S. Representative of North Carolina
Interview recorded March 14, 2016 Deed of Gift

Images & Artifacts

Sue Myrick Lapel Pin
<i>Sue Myrick Lapel Pin</i>/tiles/non-collection/o/oh_myrick_pin.xml
In her interview, Representative Myrick discusses her reason for putting "Sue" on her campaign buttons.
Collection of the U.S. House of Representatives
About this object
In the House Chamber
<i>In the House Chamber</i>/tiles/non-collection/o/oh_myrick_chamber.xml
Representative Sue Myrick (fifth from the left in center row) on the House Floor in February 2001.
Image courtesy of the U.S. House of Representatives Photography Office
House Rules Committee
<i>House Rules Committee</i>/tiles/non-collection/o/oh_myrick_committee.xml
Representative Sue Myrick (fourth from the right) with her House Rules Committee colleagues in 2004.
Image courtesy of the U.S. House of Representatives Photography Office

Congresswoman Sue Myrick
<i>Congresswoman Sue Myrick</i>/tiles/non-collection/o/oh_myrick_portrait.xml
Representative Myrick during her eighth term in Congress (2009–2011).
Collection of the U.S. House of Representatives
Swearing In
<i>Swearing In</i>/tiles/non-collection/o/oh_myrick_swearing.xml
Representative Sue Myrick posed with Speaker John Boehner of Ohio at the start of the 112th Congress (2011-2013) for a ceremonial swearing–in photo.
Image courtesy of the U.S. House of Representatives Photography Office