Shooting in the House Chamber

Shooting in the House Chamber/tiles/collection/1/11394.xml
Shooting in the House Chamber/tiles/collection/1/11395.xml

View Related Oral History

Account of the Shooting

Joe Bartlett shares his memories of the shooting on the House Floor.

Joe Bartlett, Clerk to the Minority, U.S. House of Representatives
Interview recorded October 12, 2006 Deed of Gift
Transcript (PDF)

Famous 1954 Photograph

Bill Goodwin provides a detailed description of a photograph taken on March 1, 1954, in which House Pages carry a stretcher bearing wounded Michigan Congressman Alvin Bentley down the steps of the Capitol to a waiting ambulance.

Bill Goodwin, Page, U.S. House of Representatives
Interview recorded October 20, 2005 Deed of Gift
Transcript (PDF)