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Jul 22, 2022 Column

This week Democrats advanced a partisan spending package that will bankrupt our country and force every taxpayer in America to fund their Left-wing agenda. From rampant inflation, supply chain shortages, and skyrocketing energy prices, every A

May 18, 2022 Column

President Biden took to the stage last week to blame inflation on anyone but his own failed policies. Americans don’t buy his diversions, or his embarrassing attempts to attribute responsibility to any host of targets.

Apr 5, 2022 Column

President Biden stated, "show me your budget, and I'll tell you what you value." Based on the President’s $5.8 trillion budget request to Congress for FY23, he’s made clear his values mean adding trillions of dollars in new taxes to fund partisan priorities and implementing policies that will crush Main Street America.

Mar 17, 2022 Column

President Biden’s radical efforts to reduce fossil fuel production in order to appease climate change activists continues to have harmful impacts on American consumers and our global national security interests. From his first day in office, President Biden was determined to cripple domestic energy production at home.

Feb 3, 2022 Column

Last week the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) confirmed that they've allowed illegal immigrants to use their arrest warrants as a valid proof of ID to board flights in the United States for more than a year.

Sep 11, 2021 Column

Like so many Americans, I will never forget the morning of September 11, 2001. I was heading to the airport when I first heard the news that a plane crashed into the World Trade Center. I immediately returned home to see the harrowing scenes of our fellow citizens covered with debris trying to escape what looked like a war zone.

Aug 30, 2021 Column

August 26th, 2021 is a day Americans must never forget. It’s the day 13 Marines, Soldiers, and Navy Corpsmen, would make the ultimate sacrifice in Afghanistan. They gave their lives so others may live, the most noble form of selflessness human beings will ever know.

Aug 23, 2021 Column

America sacrificed blood and treasure in Afghanistan for 20 years. Our servicemembers did everything they were asked over two decades and four presidential administrations. 2,448 Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines gave their last full measure in Afghanistan, and thousands more forever bear the scars of war, both seen and unseen.

Aug 5, 2021 Column

Every year Congress is given the power to set spending for important governmental functions, programs, and agencies. This important responsibility in our legislative branch of government sets the stage for how legislators will spend and allocate American taxpayer dollars. Unfortunately, this year’s appropriations process has become a complete sham process by the Democrats.
