FY2022 Appropriations and Transportation Requests


Members were allowed to submit up to 10 requests.  Congressman Evans received 73 requests by the deadline, many of which were not eligible under the criteria established by the Appropriations Committee. He submitted the following requests.


52nd Street Initiative (The Enterprise Center)

Description: The Enterprise Center CDC’s (TEC-CDC) 52nd St. Initiative partners with the community to transform the disinvested 52nd St. commercial corridor through strategic property acquisition and rehabilitation.

Amount Requested: $1,000,000

PDF iconFinancial Disclosure Statement - 52nd Street Marketplace.pdf

Allegheny West Foundation

Description: The Allegheny West Foundation (AWF) is a nonprofit community development corporation with a mission to improve the quality of life in the Allegheny West community in North Philadelphia through affordable housing, business development, industrial revitalization and community services.

Amount Requested: $150,000

PDF iconFinancial Disclosure Statement - Allegheny West Foundation.pdf

Black Doctors Consortium

Description: Under the leadership of Dr. Ala Stanford, the Black Doctors COVID19 Consortium, a program of It Takes Philly, Inc. (a 501 c 3) is committed to establishing health equity clinics that provide primary and preventive health care services to residents in the Congressional District PA- 03 – specifically those living in North Philadelphia and West Philadelphia.

Amount Requested: $1,000,000

PDF iconFinancial Disclosure Statement - Black Doctors Consortium.pdf

Chinatown Pandemic Relief

Description: The Crane is a community center with community and commercial space in Philadelphia Chinatown and developed in response to urgent needs for affordable, high-quality space for small businesses, cultural events and community services.

Amount Requested: $915,000

PDF iconFinancial Disclosure Statement - Chinatown Pandemic Recovery.pdf


* NOTE: This one request was withdrawn because it was later privately funded by a donor, after the appropriations deadline: Equipment & Technology Upgrades (MANNA)

Equipment & Technology Upgrades (MANNA)

Description: MANNA prepares and delivers medically tailored meals to seriously ill people across the greater Philadelphia area, with residents of PA-03 making up one of our largest client populations. The families we serve are some of the most vulnerable in the region – overwhelmingly low-income, acutely sick, with limited access to support systems.

Amount Requested: $125,000

PDF iconFinancial Disclosure Statement - Medically Tailored Meals.pdf

Improving Healthy Food Access (SHARE)

Description: Share Food Program is the largest independent food bank in Pennsylvania, and distributes nourishing food to hundreds of partner pantries in Southeastern PA, who serve individuals and families in greatest need. Share’s location is near major highways and convenient for volunteers, staff, and large truck deliveries.

Amount Requested: $1 million

PDF iconFinancial Disclosure Statement - Improving Healthy Food Access.pdf

Mann Center

Description: This project will allow the Mann Center for Performing Arts Center to continue to be a force for positive change in the Parkside community, and expand the reach of its arts education and workforce development programs for disadvantaged young people throughout the Philadelphia region.

Amount Requested: $1,000,000

PDF iconFinancial Disclosure Statement - Mann Center.pdf

Nicetown Sport Court

Description: The Nicetown Sport Court is an outdoor recreational sports facility project, that brings economic development, arts and culture and storm water mitigation to underutilized open spaces beneath the Route 1 Roosevelt Boulevard highway that runs above and across Nicetown's commercial corridor.

Amount Requested: 1,000,000

PDF iconFinancial Disclosure Statement - Nicetown Sport Court.pdf

Our Business, Our Neighborhoods (Vested In)

Description: Through our proposed project VestedIn (formerly WPFSI), Temple University’s Small Business Development Center (SBDC), and ShopPhilly1st will create a promotional video campaign—Our Businesses, Our Neighborhoods, Our Stories—to support the 3rd Congressional District’s small businesses and neighborhoods. These videos will focus on the importance of supporting local small businesses at the city and neighborhood level. Comcast will potentially provide time for the videos created through the project.

Amount Requested: $149,324

PDF iconFinancial Disclosure Statement - Our Businesses, Our Neighborhoods.pdf

Youth Development & Community Empowerment (Phila Youth Basketball)

Description: Philadelphia Youth Basketball (PYB) was created to build a high-impact program, organization, and future Youth Development & Community Empowerment Center, motivated by the combined potential of basketball, academic enrichment, leadership and character development, family engagement, and skilled coaching and mentorship to have transformative power in the lives of kids and communities.

Amount Requested: $1,000,000

PDF iconFinancial Disclosure Statement - Youth Development and Community Empowerment Center.pdf



The House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure (T&I) plans to advance surface transportation authorization legislation later this spring, building on H.R. 2, the Moving Forward Act, from the 116th Congress. Chairman Peter DeFazio announced that the T&I Committee will formally accept requests for projects from House Members.

The T&I Committee process for considering member projects is separate and distinct from the House Committee on Appropriations’ process for considering Community Project Funding requests. Projects funded through the surface transportation authorization will be funded directly from the Highway Trust Fund, and they do not require a separate or subsequent appropriation.

Project Eligibility

Capital projects eligible under title 23, United States Code, and chapter 53 of title 49, United States Code, are eligible for funding requests under T&I’s project submission process. Funding for metropolitan planning, statewide planning, and other planning programs is authorized from both the Highway Account and Mass Transit Account. These planning activities are jointly administered by Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) or Federal Transit Administration (FTA).

Each state is required to develop a Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) covering a period of at least four years. Each designated metropolitan area is required to develop a Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The STIP is a fiscally constrained, multi-year, statewide intermodal program of transportation projects, consistent with the statewide transportation plan as well as metropolitan transportation improvement programs. The STIP must be developed in cooperation with Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), public transit providers, and any Regional Transportation Planning Organizations in the state. These documents and project lists guide state and MPO obligation of contract authority over the longer-term horizon required for capital construction projects. Projects on the STIP or TIP have already been certified as eligible for FHWA or FTA funding and do not require further verification of eligibility.

For projects not on the STIP or TIP, additional documentation is required, including verification about whether the project can be added to the STIP or TIP in a reasonable timeframe, whether the project is on a long-range transportation plan, and verification of eligibility for the proposed activity under title 23 or chapter 53 of title 49 by the relevant federal agency.

Further, project sponsors must demonstrate the ability to fully obligate any funds provided within the obligation window and must demonstrate a proven ability to finance the remaining costs not funded by the Committee, as well as the required non-federal cost share.


All requests submitted by Congressman Evans to the T&I Committee are posted below. Members will be required to certify that neither they nor their immediate family have a financial interest in the requests made.

Projects Requested

Listed below are the projects Congressman Evans has submitted to the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee for review. Requested projects are not guaranteed to be approved for funding. Approved projects will be announced at a later date.
Note: The projects are listed in alphabetical order by project name.

Project Sponsor: Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority
Project Name/Location: Erie Station (Broad Street Line) Accessibility Improvements, Philadelphia, PA 19140
Requested Amount: $3.6 million

Project Sponsor: City of Philadelphia
Project Name/Location: Cobbs Creek Parkway Multimodal Safety Improvements: Larchwood Avenue to 67th Street, Philadelphia, PA
Requested Amount: $800,000

Project Sponsor: City of Philadelphia
Project Name/Location: Chestnut Street Pedestrian Safety Islands, Chestnut Street from 33rd to 45th Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Requested Amount: $3 million

Project Sponsor: Delaware River Port Authority
Project Name/Location: Franklin Square Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvement - 7th and Race Specific, Philadelphia, PA 19106
Requested Amount: $240,000

Project Sponsor: City of Philadelphia
Project Name/Location: Mantua Neighborhood Traffic Safety Project (34th St.), Philadelphia, PA 19104
Requested Amount: $4 million

Project Sponsor: City of Philadelphia
Project Name/Location: Parkside Avenue – Safe Access to Parks, Parkside Avenue at 53rd Street and Bryn Mawr Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19131
Requested Amount: $4 million

Project Sponsor: The Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority 
Project Name/Location: Penn Center Transit Gateway, 1600 JFK Blvd, Philadelphia, PA 19102, bike lanes from 15th to 20th on Market Street and JFK Boulevard
Requested Amount: $3.9 million


The deadline to submit all appropriations requests (including for Community Project Funding) and accompanying documents is Monday, April 5, 2021 at 11:59PM ET. *

* The deadline for transportation member-directed request applications and accompanying documents is Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 11:59 PM ET. (This is a separate category - please see bottom of this page.)


Program and Language Requests:

For FY22 Program Requests, click here: https://forms.gle/LT1WwyMWtoRH8Hau5


For FY22 Language Requests, click here: https://forms.gle/bXz94iaTcF4h4jRj9


Community Project Funding Requests: 

For the FY22 Community Project Funding Eligibility Form, click here: https://forms.gle/Z4xHEg77S9ThoPrg6


For the FY22 Community Project Funding Presentation, click here. 


For the FY22 Community Project Funding Resource Guide, click here.


For rules from the House Appropriations Committee regarding FY22 Community Project Funding, click here.


Transporation Member Designated Project Requests:

For the Transportation and Infrastructure Member Designated Projects (MDP) Request, click here.

* The deadline for transportation member-directed request applications and accompanying documents is Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 11:59 PM ET.

For the Transportation and Infrastructure Member Designated Projects (MDP) Resource Guide, click here


