Lower Costs for Pennsylvanians

Wild at Precision Roll Grinders

I’m acutely aware of how hard rising prices are hitting families’ budgets, small businesses’ operations, and our economic recovery. I know how concerning it can be. No one should have to choose between paying rent and putting food on the table. This is an urgent problem that requires urgent solutions.

Complicated factors are leading to price increases across several sectors of the economy—a shortage of chips affecting car prices, pandemic-related backups at ports, and fluctuating energy and food prices driven by geopolitical events. Tackling inflation is one of my top priorities in Congress, and I’m focused on concrete solutions to build a better future with a Made-In-America clean energy economy, better-paying jobs, and lower prices across the board. That’s why I voted to strengthen our supply chains, boost American manufacturing, and reduce dependence on foreign oil. We need to make more products and create more jobs here in America—not China.

The America COMPETES Act and reconciliation legislation will modernize our scientific enterprise, invest in domestic supply chains, and support American energy independence. The House also passed the bipartisan Lower Food and Fuel Costs Act to lower the price of inputs like fertilizer to bring down costs at the grocery store, lower prices at the pump by making cheaper gas more available, lower meat costs by increasing meatpacking competition and capacity, and strengthen our food supply chains against future price fluctuations. These bills will go a long way to shoring up our supply chains and lowering prices, and I’m pressing for quick action to get them into law.

I know people need help right now, so please use the resources below to find relief. I'll continue doing everything I can to make groceries, housing, and prescription drugs more affordable and create a strong, stable, steady economy for today and generations to come.


Relief for Hardworking Pennsylvanians:

We're here to connect you with resources and relief however we can. Scroll below to find assistance that may help you and your family.


Gas, Groceries, and Housing

Wild at Saucon Valley Farmers' Market

Families need relief at the gas pump. That's why I voted for the Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act to empower the Federal Trade Commission for the first time with the authority to investigate and prosecute price gouging during national emergencies. Oil and gas companies can't rake in profits at the expense of Americans in economic distress. I'll keep doing everything I can to lower prices.


Find Cheaper Gas:


More Transportation Help:

  • LANTA: Provides LANta Bus, LANtaFlex, and LANtaVan transportation services


Help with Groceries:


Help with Housing:




Help with Utilities and Bills

Wild at Warehouse
Pennsylvania received a historic $480.5 million for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program thanks to the American Rescue Plan, which I was proud to vote for. This and other resources may be available while we work long-term to reduce energy costs, achieve energy independence, and create more sustainable employment for decades to come.


Energy Bill Help:


Credit Card Bill Help:


More Billing Help:


Tax Relief

Congresswoman Susan Wild

New Tax Cuts for Families with Children:


Tax Cuts to Lower Health Insurance:

My top priority has always been lowering costs, especially health care costs. The American Rescue Plan’s enhanced insurance premium tax credits dramatically lowered costs for both families and individuals. Learn more about this tax credit below.


Expanded Earned Income Tax Credit: Learn if you qualify for the earned income tax credit, a fully refundable tax benefit that helps low- and moderate-income workers and working families


Additional Tax Relief: Learn about resources for this tax season.


Help with Health Care

Rep. Wild at Physical Therapy Center
One of my first fights in Congress was closing the Family Glitch Loophole, which kept families from accessing affordable whole-family insurance coverage. I am proud that in May, the Biden administration moved to finally close the Family Glitch. I’ll keep fighting to lower the cost of health insurance and lifesaving prescription drugs.


Find Affordable Health Insurance

You may still qualify for health coverage under some conditions. Learn more here 





Help for Seniors

Rep. Wild
Giving Medicare the power to negotiate directly with drug companies will help lower prescription prices and make these savings available to Americans with private insurance. I was proud to vote for and co-sponsor the Lower Drug Costs Now Act to do just that.


Help with Medicare and Health Care: 


Help with Social Security:


Additional Help for Seniors: 


Help for Veterans

Wild with Servicemembers
As the daughter of a servicemember who spent his entire career in the Air Force, I am committed to making essential services and programs accessible for veterans, servicemembers, and military families. When you put your life on the line to fight for our country, you shouldn't have to fight for your benefits too.


Help for Veterans: 


Help for Students

Wild reads to kids

Student Financial Aid: 


Employment Resources

Wild at Shift4 Payments
If you’re looking for a new or higher paying job, here are some resources that may help you:



Start or Grow a Small Business

Wild at business
Small businesses are the backbone of our economy. I’m dedicated to doing everything I can to help our small businesses grow and hire.





  • Census Business Builder: According to the Department of Commerce, this tool provides selected demographic and economic data in a simple format.  





