Make It In America

Leader Hoyer leads the Make It In America plan to create jobs and expand opportunity.
In 2018, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer and House Democrats unveiled the new Make It In America plan to create jobs and expand opportunity.  It was developed based on ideas heard over the previous year on a listening tour across the country, where House Democrats met with Americans and heard about the economic challenges they face and the opportunities they see in their communities.  With too many Americans only getting by instead of getting ahead, the plan focuses on three key areas where Congress can be a partner in creating the best conditions for the growth of jobs and opportunities.  They are: education, entrepreneurship, and infrastructure.
To read Majority Leader Hoyer’s speech on the Make It In America plan, click here.  For more information on the goals and policy recommendations included in the Make It In America plan, click here.
First launched in 2010 when our economic recovery was just beginning, Make It In America has been focused on gathering the best ideas and transforming them into policies that Congress can enact to help workers and businesses succeed.  Since its launch, nineteen Make It In America bills have been signed into law, including legislation to cut taxes and provide loans for small businesses, speed up the patent process, train skilled workers, and end tax loopholes that encourage companies to ship jobs overseas.
Recognizing the many changes that took place during our recovery, House Democrats held a series of hearings in 2015 called “Make It In America: What’s Next?” to explore new challenges and new opportunities in our economy.  During the hearing series, seventy-seven House Democrats heard testimony from innovators, entrepreneurs, economists, Members of Congress, and others about how the Make It In America plan should be updated to address new challenges and take advantage of new opportunities. Click here for a look at testimony from the hearings.  It was in these hearings that House Democrats identified the three core areas on which Congress ought to focus.   
Realizing that the best ideas would come from outside of Washington, Leader Hoyer and House Democrats embarked on the Make It In America Listening Tour starting in 2017, visiting nine cities across the heartland to hear directly from Americans about the challenges they face and identifying best practices in meeting them.
To see the details of the Make It In America plan, click here.
Make It In America Related
In 2010, Leader Hoyer and House Democrats launched the Make It In America (MIIA) agenda to spur private-sector job growth during America’s recovery from the Great Recession.
This week, the House is considering the America COMPETES Act, which will revitalize America’s research, innovation, and manufacturing sectors to make our economy more prosperous for all.
For years, Leader Hoyer and House Democrats have championed the Make It In America plan. First announced in 2010, the Make It In America plan aimed to promote private-sector job creation and revitalization of the manufacturing sector in the United States following the economic fallout from the Great Recession.
For years, Leader Hoyer and House Democrats have championed the Make It In America plan. First begun as an effort to restore our nation’s manufacturing sector after the Great Recession, in the eleven years since its creation, the plan has been updated each Congress to respond to changing economic challenges and opportunities. In 2017 and 2018, House Democrats hit the road on a listening tour across the country to hear directly from Americans what tools they need in order to thrive in today’s economy.
WASHINGTON, DC – House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) joined CBS News’ CBSN platform earlier today to discuss President Biden’s Address before a Joint Session of Congress and the President’s extraordinarily productive first 100 days in office. Below are excerpts of his interview and a link to the video:

Tonight, on the eve of his hundredth day in office, President Biden delivered his first address to Congress and laid out not only his detailed plans for confronting our most pressing challenges but his vision of an America that is safer, stronger, more just, and more prosperous. 
I welcome President Biden's decision today to require that federal contractors pay their employees a $15 minimum wage. 
WASHINGTON, DC – House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) joined MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” today to discuss the upcoming House vote on DC statehood legislation, the American Jobs Plan, and progress on policing legislation. Below are excerpts of his remarks and a link to the video:
In the first 100 days of the 117th Congress, Democrats enacted the American Rescue Plan, comprehensive legislation to provide immediate assistance to American families and small businesses struggling because of the COVID-19 pandemic. With assistance from that law already going out the door, Democrats are also focused on building the economy back better.
Since the 117th Congress began, House Democrats have taken action to advance a number of bills that address issues critically important to the American people.
Now, the 117th Congress is facing one of the most daunting scenarios that we've seen. We faced daunting scenarios the last time we were in the Majority in 2009, 2007, but 2008, we had the Great Recession and we needed to respond.
This week, the Democratic House Majority continued our work to provide the American people with the relief they desperately need to get through this pandemic and the economic crisis. Today’s passage of the Fiscal Year 2021 budget resolution was an important step toward enacting President Biden’s American Rescue Plan by providing another avenue to see it enacted.
I was proud today to bring the National Apprenticeship Act to the Floor for a vote again.  We passed this legislation in November, but unfortunately the Republican Senate Majority failed to take it up before the end of the 116th Congress. 
For the past eleven years, I have been leading House Democrats' plan to create jobs and expand access to economic opportunity, which we call the Make It In America plan. 
Wanted to be sure you saw Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer’s comments yesterday in Politico Pro on House passage of the National Apprenticeship Act, which passed the House with bipartisan support and is included in the Make It In America plan he has been leading since 2010. Leader Hoyer highlighted the importance of apprenticeship programs and discussed how he will bring this bill to the Floor again in the next Congress and hopes to see it signed into law by President-elect Biden.
"Madam Speaker, two weeks ago, we learned just how divided our country is. Part of that division, I believe, comes from a broad lack of faith in government to deliver on what the American people need to get ahead in our economy. Americans want their elected officials to focus on reaching consensus on broadly popular initiatives that expand opportunity and connect people with good careers.
With two weeks left before Election Day and millions of Americans already casting their ballots, President Donald Trump still has not indicated what his policy agenda would be for a second term.
Yesterday, the President released his budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2021 and made his priorities clear: he continues to put the wealthiest Americans first at the expense of working families. The budget proposal makes tax cuts for the wealthy permanent while breaking his promises to working families on health care, the economy, and other areas that help Americans get ahead and keep them safe.
The budget released by the Trump administration Monday relies on a set of false assumptions about our economy, reflecting the distorted vision laid out in last week’s State of the Union address. In that speech, President Trump lied again and again about his record on the economy. It is critical that Americans know the facts.
The President campaigned on numerous promises to the American people, and four years into his presidency, he is letting the American people down on pledge after pledge. Ahead of tonight’s State of the Union Address, here’s a look at what the President promised he would deliver to the American people and how he has fallen short with policies that put the wealthiest ahead of working families:
I’m honored to be here today as your keynote speaker. I want to begin by thanking you for your efforts to keep the issue of infrastructure investment at the forefront of our national dialogue about the economy and how to create opportunities for our people.
The monthly jobs report, released today, shows a continuation of an economic trajectory that reaches back through 103 consecutive months of positive job growth. But these job figures don’t tell the whole story, as wages aren’t growing fast enough to allow millions of workers to keep pace and feel that real economic security is within reach.
Last week, I unveiled House Democrats’ new Make It In America plan for jobs and opportunity. It’s a set of proposals different from what has been proposed in the past because it doesn’t come from Washington.