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Protecting Our Democracy Act

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In September 2020, House Democrats introduced the Protecting Our Democracy Act – a landmark reforms package that will prevent future presidential abuses, restore our system of checks and balances, strengthen accountability and transparency, and protect our elections.

Included in these reforms is Chairman Yarmuth’s Congressional Power of the Purse Act, which will reassert Congress’ Article I spending authorities and safeguard our nation’s separation of powers.

Protecting Our Democracy Act (Bill Text)

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Section-by-Section Analysis

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Fact Sheet

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Congressional Power of the Purse Act

The Constitution gave the power of the purse – the nation’s checkbook – to Congress. The Founders believed that this separation of powers would protect against monarchy and provide an important check on the executive branch. Congress has crafted longstanding, foundational laws that aim to prevent federal agencies from misspending – like the Antideficiency Act and the Impoundment Control Act.

But over time, both Presidents and agencies have pushed the boundaries of these, and other laws designed to prevent executive overreach, exploiting secrecy and limitations on enforcement to push their own agenda.

The reforms included in Chairman John Yarmuth’s Congressional Power of the Purse (CPP) Act will help Congress reclaim its Constitutional spending authority and safeguard our nation’s separation of powers.

Congressional Power of the Purse Act (Bill Text)

Section-by-Section Analysis


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