Pelosi Statement on Trump Administration’s Repeal of Gainful Employment Rule

Jun 28, 2019
Press Release

Contact: Speaker’s Press Office,

San Francisco — Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued this statement on the Department of Education’s repeal of the Gainful Employment Rule, which safeguards students’ and graduates’ ability to payback their student loan debt and holds schools accountable for delivering quality degrees and careers:

“Today’s announcement to eliminate the Gainful Employment Rule is another shameful giveaway to special interests and big corporations at the expense of students, consumers and taxpayers.  The Administration’s decision to fully repeal this important protection, without replacing or revising, is a complete abdication of its responsibility to protect and defend millions of students and billions of dollars in federal investments.

“House Democrats will continue to fight back against the Trump Administration’s outrageous anti-student and anti-worker agenda.  Under the leadership of Education and Labor Committee Chairman Bobby Scott, House Democrats will continue to advance bold ideas and legislation to expand access, affordability and pathways to meaningful careers as we work to pass a comprehensive rewrite of the Higher Education Act that puts students and American taxpayers first.”

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