Retirement Security

In the midst of the Great Depression, our nation made a fundamental promise that a lifetime of hard work would be met with the dignity and peace of mind of a secure retirement.  For generations, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid have stood as pillars of health and economic security and opportunity for millions of American families, whether in retirement, disability, or following the death of a loved one. 

Despite their transformative impact on our economy and our society, Republicans in Congress have engaged in a relentless, reckless campaign to undermine Social Security, cut and cap Medicaid, and make Medicare “wither on the vine.” House Democrats believe in honoring our responsibility to American seniors and their families.  We will always fight to defend these bedrock health and financial protections and will continue to hold Republicans accountable for their dangerous assault on the retirement security of hard-working Americans.  We are committed to ensuring that the dignity of a secure retirement is available to every generation.

Congress must responsibly address the long-term funding challenges to Social Security and Medicare, without weakening guaranteed benefits that American workers have earned through a lifetime of work.  Democrats remain firmly committed to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid’s bedrock promises.  Working with the new Biden-Harris Administration and new Senate Democratic Majority, we will continue strengthening these vital lifelines as we work to build a healthier, more secure and equal future for America’s seniors, families and generations to come.