Pelosi Statement on April Jobs Report

May 7, 2021
Press Release
Contact: Speaker’s Press Office,
San Francisco – Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued this statement on the April jobs report:
"The disappointing April jobs report highlights the urgent need to pass President Biden’s American Jobs and Families Plans.  We need to take bold action to Build Back Better from this crisis by investing in our nation, our workers and our families. 
"House Democrats are already at work developing strong jobs legislation, which will create millions of good-paying jobs revitalizing our nation’s infrastructure and laying the foundation for a generation of economic growth.  As we see continued evidence that women and working parents have been hit hardest in the economy, we must invest in human infrastructure with the American Families Plan which strengthens the child care and early education support that families need: children learning, parents earning.
“As we build on the progress of the historic Rescue Plan, Democrats in Congress hope to work in a bipartisan spirit to Build Back Better.  However, the evidence is clear that the economy demands urgent action, and Congress will not be deterred or delayed from delivering transformational investments For The People.”
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