Share Your Story

Our idea for this committee is to put your stories front and center, so we need to hear from you. You are what motivate us to get out of bed every day to try to make this country a little better.

So drop us a line to let us know how you and your family are getting by.

Ideas for sharing:

  • Searching for work
  • Making ends meet at the end of the month
  • How you manage to take care of your kids or parents
  • Living on a fixed income
  • Handling college or personal debt
  • Stretching food budgets
  • Managing healthcare expenses

Every submission will be reviewed by an actual, live human being and we may reach out by phone or email to get more information.

Your Information

What are these options?

Constituents who are hard of hearing or use a video phone have the option to choose TDD or VP based on the type of device they are using. This allows our office to respond to them accordingly. The default option "Voice" is a standard audible telephone.