

Providing a high quality education to all of America’s students from all backgrounds and income levels is the backbone of our country.
Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi meets with this year’s Goldman Environmental Prize recipients – six individuals who have made a profound impact in their communities and throughout the world by fighting for environmental justice.

Energy and Environment

Energy independence and combating climate change is a flagship issue for Congresswoman Pelosi.

Gun Violence Prevention

                                                                                      Gun Violence Prevention For the People Town Hall Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi hosts a San Francisco town hall to discuss gun violence prevention For the People with Congresswoman Jackie Speier, Dr.</body></html>

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi tours the South of Market Health Center, which opened it doors in March 2011 and serves twice the number of patients as the existing health center with the passage of the Affordable Care Act.

Health Care

Access to quality, affordable health care is critical to the well-being of America, today and in the future.
Congresswoman Pelosi joins with Mayor Edwin Lee, Community Housing Partnership and Larkin Street Youth Services for the grand opening of Edward II in the Marina District, a historic inn rehabilitated into supportive housing for youth at risk of homelessne


Affordable housing is a critical tool in our shared efforts to build a stronger, more vibrant, more inclusive future for San Francisco.
Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi joins with His Holiness the Dalai Lama during his visit to Congress to celebrate his role as a compassionate religious leader, an astute diplomat, and an undaunted believer in the power of nonviolence for the Tibetan people

Human Rights

As Americans, we must protect human rights both at home and abroad—the right to live freely without the threat of violence or repression, the right to live with dignity and respect.

Innovation & Technology

Nearly 60 years ago, President John Kennedy launched an ambitious mission to safely send a man to the moon and back. Today, we are at a critical juncture in our nation's history as we must renew that same spirit of action and opportunity.

internet freedom

Internet Freedom

Today, the internet and new technologies are shaping the world in a way that we could previously only imagine, giving Americans an easy way to share information, conduct business, and participate in democracy – all with the click of a button.

Jobs & Economic Justice

For decades, hard-working Americans in San Francisco and across the country have been hurting as the cost of living rises, paychecks remain flat and fear and uncertainty about the economy grow.  

Photo of LGBT flag


San Francisco is blessed with a large and vibrant LGBT community and a strong history of advocacy for equal rights for all. Since my first day in Congress, ending discrimination against gays and lesbians has been a top priority. I have continuously supported legislation that expands our laws in order to better reflect the diverse society in which we live.


Armed with the lessons of San Francisco’s model of community-based care, Congresswoman Pelosi worked to accelerate development of an HIV vaccine, expand access to Medicaid for people living with HIV, and increase funding for the Ryan White CARE Act, the AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP), the Minority HIV/AIDS Initiative and other research, care, treatment, prevention and search for a cure initiatives vital to people living with or at risk for HIV/AIDS.
Congresswomen Nancy Pelosi and Anna Eshoo greet U.S. Soldiers with the 3rd Cavalry Regiment from California during a visit to Tactical Base in Gamberi, Afghanistan.

National Security

Our nation’s leaders have no greater responsibility than ensuring the safety and security of the American people.

Retirement Security

In the midst of the Great Depression, our nation made a fundamental promise that a lifetime of hard work would be met with the dignity and peace of mind of a secure retirement.  For generations, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid have stood as pillars of health and economic security and opportunity for millions of American families, whether in retirement, disability, or following the death of

Photo of Transportation


When crafting our transportation options, we must work to reduce the focus on driving and increase our options for bus and rail transit, walking, biking, and transit-oriented development while creating vibrant livable communities.