National Security & Foreign Policy

Keeping America safe is Congress’ most important duty. Democrats are focused on strengthening U.S. national security and restoring America’s leadership in the world.
Keeping America safe is Congress’ most important duty. Democrats are focused on strengthening U.S. national security and restoring America’s leadership in the world. That includes deploying the full arsenal of U.S. power – diplomatic, developmental, and military tools – to maintain America’s standing in the world. 

In the 116th Congress, Democrats passed two bipartisan defense authorization bills that strengthened our national security, supported our troops, and defended our allies and interests abroad. Additionally, we reauthorized critical intelligence programs and strengthened Congressional oversight.  In the 117th Congress, Democrats will build on these gains by helping President Biden keep Americans safe at home and abroad.  We will continue to stand up for human rights and democracy around the world, working to reaffirm America’s guiding values.  We will work with the Administration to provide our diplomats and our troops with the tools needed to carry out their missions abroad safely and effectively.  
National Security & Foreign Policy Related
Today, the Biden-Harris Administration is taking strong steps to ensure that Russia is held accountable for its interference in our electionsits cyberattacks of American systems, and other malign activities.
WASHINGTON, DC – House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement this evening on Israel’s Independence Day, Yom Ha’Atzmaut: 

WASHINGTON, DC – House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today on reports that President Biden will announce a plan to withdraw all U.S. troops from Afghanistan this year: 

The murder of Jamal Khashoggi was a reprehensible act, targeting a U.S. resident for doing his job as a journalist. 
Today’s airstrike demonstrates President Biden’s resolve to prevent Iran from targeting America’s personnel and allies with impunity.
I am encouraged that President Biden is taking steps to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, exacerbated by Iran’s actions, by rebalancing our engagement in a way that, hopefully, will lead to dialogue and a cease fire so relief aid can make it to suffering civilians. 
No Americans should be turned away from serving in defense of their country simply because they are transgender.  The Trump Administration's ban on transgender Americans serving in uniform not only ran counter to the values and principles of our nation and our democracy but also shortchanged our national security by denying the military the full talent and experience available to serve.
This is not a moment for our country to be without a Secretary of Defense. Secretary-Designate Austin is a highly qualified nominee, spoken to by the bipartisan support that this waiver will garner this day in the Congress of the United States...
I was pleased to meet today with General Lloyd Austin, President-elect Biden’s nominee for Secretary of Defense. I congratulated General Austin on the historic nature of his nomination and expressed my strong support for granting the waiver necessary for him to be confirmed as Secretary once the House Armed Services Committee has held a hearing to review the issue of civilian control of the military.
The House has now voted in a bipartisan fashion to override President Trump’s reckless and irresponsible veto of the 2021 defense authorization bill. 
"The annual National Defense Authorization Act that President Trump dangerously and callously vetoed today was a product of true bipartisanship and reflects Congress's commitment to the safety and success of our men and women in uniform.  
News in recent days of a significant breach of critical U.S. networks, with all indications pointing to Russia as the culprit, ought to alarm every American.
President-elect Biden's nomination of retired Gen. Lloyd Austin to serve as our nation's next Secretary of Defense is a historic choice, and I congratulate him on his selection.
This conference report will ensure that our men and women in uniform can continue to protect our nation and meet global challenges. Now, I hope that President Trump does sign this bill. He ought to sign this bill.
With just weeks left in office, President Trump has chosen to double-down on the flagrant abuses of power and corruption that have characterized his four-year term. With the pardoning of former his National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn, for lying to FBI investigators about contacts with the Russian government, President Trump is once again putting himself above the interests of our nation. 
Even as a lame-duck president, Donald Trump continues to put our country in danger.  His dismissal of the Secretary of Defense is nothing less than a temper tantrum by someone upset at being rejected by the majority of voters in this country. 
News that Russia and Iran were able to access voter databases is not only deeply disturbing, it demands action.
With two weeks left before Election Day and millions of Americans already casting their ballots, President Donald Trump still has not indicated what his policy agenda would be for a second term.
It is outrageous that the Trump Administration continues to advantage Russia and try to hide Russian malign activities targeting our democracy.
President Trump’s words about those who died defending our nation were disgusting and outrageous. Never before have I seen a president - or any public elected official, for that matter - so callously demean the sacrifices and service of America’s fallen heroes and those currently serving.
The news today of an encounter between U.S. and Russian forces in Syria underscore the dangers of this Administration’s lack of a strategy to protect our troops, support our allies, and promote an end to the conflict there that secures our interests. I remain deeply concerned that Vladimir Putin intends to use pressure on our military - as we saw with the reports several weeks ago of Russian bounties paid to the Taliban in Afghanistan for U.S. service members killed there - and influence our election and the direction of America’s global national security strategy.
In deploying federal law enforcement to patrol American cities like Portland and Chicago and silence those exercising their First Amendment rights, Donald Trump is drawing from the playbook of the worst dictators of the past century. 
Madam Speaker, I want to thank Chairman Adam Smith of the Armed Services Committee for ensuring a fair and bipartisan process as the House worked to craft a defense authorization bill that strengthens our national security and reflects our nation’s highest principles, and I want to thank the Ranking Member Mac Thornberry as well for working closely with Chairman Smith throughout this process and offering constructive input.
“Good morning. Thank you for being here. Sunday evening I received a telephone call from my former colleague, Mark Meadows, now the Chief of Staff at the White House, who asked me to put together a group of eight to 10 members for the purposes of having a briefing in the SCIF at the White House. I indicated to him I would consider that. I talked to the Speaker about it. Our view has been and always been if the White House asked you to come down for a meeting and to be briefed, you respond to that request.