Lofgren Statement on Russia and Iran Accessing Voter Registration Information

Oct 21, 2020
Press Release

San Jose, Calif. – Committee on House Administration Chairperson Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) issued the following statement today after national security officials revealed Iran and Russia have obtained voter registration information in an effort to interfere in the 2020 elections:

“Today’s announcement is deeply troubling but entirely predictable. The House has acted on three separate occasions to provide state and local election administrators the resources and tools they need to secure our election infrastructure from foreign interference. H.R. 1, the For the People Act, H.R. 2722, the SAFE Act, and H.R. 4617, the SHIELD Act, each authorize the resources we have been repeatedly told are necessary to fortify our elections systems from cyberattacks and combat malicious foreign disinformation campaigns. But despite persistent and clear warning signs, each of these bills have been consigned to Senate Majority Leader McConnell’s “legislative graveyard.”

“The Senate Majority’s abject failure to provide more than a bare minimum support for our election infrastructure, even with repeated warnings from the Trump Administration’s own top national security officials, is a stark indictment of their failed legislative priorities. It’s well past time the Senate finally prioritize protecting the American people from malicious foreign actors over protecting the President’s fragile ego and indulging his deluded conspiracy theories.”

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Congress Number: 
116th Congress