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Using the filibuster to delay debate or block legislation has a long history. The term filibuster, from a Dutch word meaning "pirate," became popular in the United States during the 1850s when it was applied to efforts to hold the Senate floor in order to prevent action on a bill.

Origins and Development

History Briefing: Filibuster and Cloture
Cloture Rule Mar 8, 1917
Filibusters and Cloture in the Senate (CRS) (PDF)

About Selected Filibusters

Huey Long Fillibusters Jun 12-13, 1935
Arrests Compel Senate Quorum Nov 14, 1942
Wayne Morse Sets Filibuster Record Apr 24-25, 1953
Civil Rights Filibuster Ended Jun 10, 1964
Filibuster Derails Supreme Court Appointment Oct 1, 1968
Fictional Filibusters
"Mr. Smith" comes to Washington Oct 17, 1939

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