Tax Reform

Tax Reform

I have always opposed tax increases. It is my continued belief that government spending is inherently less efficient than private spending. In December, 2017 I was proud to join with my Republican colleagues to support H.R. 1, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which provided across the board tax cuts for individuals and corporations, while also increasing the standard deduction and child tax credit to specifically support lower income families.

By directly cutting taxes for millions of American households, the government can increase private spending within the economy without the wasteful administration of the bureaucracy. I will continue to support lowering taxes to pave the way for a strong and vibrant economy that encourages flourishing opportunities for every American.

For more information concerning my work and views on Tax Reform, please contact me.

More on Tax Reform

Jun 28, 2022 Press Release
(Washington, D.C.) – Today, Congressman Doug LaMalfa (CA-01) and Congressman Mike Thompson (CA-05) received a response letter to their January 21, 2022 inquiry and June 8, 2022 follow-up asking the IRS to issue guidance on the taxability of settlement funds received from the Fire Victim Trust (FVT). The original letter was an effort to push the IRS to clarify and expedite public tax guidance on whether payments made to victims would be taxable under federal law. In their January 21, 2022 letter, Congressmen LaMalfa and Thompson were joined by California Senators Dianne Feinstein and Alex Padilla, and Reps. Tom McClintock (CA-04), John Garamendi (CA-03), and Jared Huffman (CA-02).
Mar 30, 2022 Press Release
Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressmen Doug LaMalfa (R – Calif.) and Mike Thompson (D – Calif.) introduced legislation that would exempt thousands of fire victims who are receiving compensation from the Fire Victim Trust from having to pay federal income tax on their settlement money. Additionally, the legislation would prevent survivors from having to pay taxes on the attorney fees that are included in the settlement. These fees account for roughly 30% of the compensation, meaning that without this legislation survivors would be taxed on money that their attorneys keep. The Trust is a $13.5 billion settlement established in July 2020 for survivors of the 2015 Butte Fire, the 2017 North Bay Wildfires, and the 2018 Camp Fire. Although the deadline to file 2021 taxes is April 18, 2022, this legislation would allow survivors to be awarded their exemption retroactively.
Mar 16, 2021 Press Release

(Washington, DC) – Congressman Doug LaMalfa issued the following statement after the Senate included a one-time provision in its version of the American Rescue Plan to make the first $10,200 of Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits in 2020 tax free. Congressman LaMalfa raised the issue in a letter to his House and Senate colleagues and did offer an amendment during House debate on this bill that would have excluded UI compensation from gross taxable income for 2020.

Jun 23, 2020 Press Release
(Washington, DC) Congressman Doug LaMalfa (R-CA) supports the trucking industry’s call to suspend the federal excise tax (FET). The FET was created in 1917 to help pay for World War I. When it was introduced, the FET was 3%, but has quadrupled to 12% today. Given the nature of recent economic hardships caused by the coronavirus, suspending the FET would stimulate heavy-duty truck and trailer sales.
Mar 20, 2020 Press Release
(Washington, DC) — Congressman Doug LaMalfa (R-Richvale) issued the following statement after sending a letter to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin requesting that the tax payment deadline extension to July 15, announced March 18th, be applied to tax filing as well. By unifying the date for both filing and payment, the Department of Treasury can reduce confusion and provide the American taxpayer with some additional relief. The letter also requested the Treasury to: • Coordinate with each state to align their tax deadlines with the Federal government in order to reduce complications that could arise due to differing deadlines; • Lift the payment extension limits on individuals and corporations, respectively; • Allow small businesses to withdraw from retirement accounts early without a penalty to provide them with additional money to stay open during this emergency.
Sep 28, 2018 Press Release
(Washington, DC) – Congressman Doug LaMalfa (R-Richvale) issued the following statement after the House passed H.R. 6756, the American Innovation Act, H.R. 6757, the Family Savings Act, and H.R. 6760, the Protecting Family and Small Business Tax Cuts Act.
May 4, 2018 Press Release
(Richvale, CA) – Congressman Doug LaMalfa (R-Richvale) issued the following statement after issuing results from a recent survey administered to local small business owners in the North State. Congressman LaMalfa’s office worked with local Chambers of Commerce to widely distribute the survey to North State small businesses.
Apr 18, 2018 Press Release
(Washington, DC) – Congressman Doug LaMalfa (R-Richvale) issued the following statement after the House passed two bipartisan bills to reform operations at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). H.R. 5444, the Taxpayer First Act, shifts power in the appeals process back to the taxpayer and H.R. 5445, the 21st Century IRS Act, will strengthen IT security systems at the agency.
Apr 17, 2018 Press Release
(Washington, DC) – Congressman Doug LaMalfa (R-Richvale) issued the following statement on April 17th, the last day for individuals to file their federal income tax returns. This is the last year that individuals and families will have to file on the old tax code. The changes made under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will take effect next year.
Apr 12, 2018 Press Release
(Washington, DC) – Congressman Doug LaMalfa (R-Richvale) issued the following statement after the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the U.S. Department of the Treasury announced the designation of Opportunity Zones in 18 states, including many in Northern California. Opportunity Zones were added to the tax code by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
