
Capitol Building against an evening sky


Representing the people of PA-07 is an extraordinary privilege, and I am committed to delivering results for our community. As an independent-minded Member of Congress, my focus is on serving all my constituents—regardless of whether they identify as Republicans, Democrats, Independents, or none-of-the-above.
warehouse manager shaking hands with warehouse worker

Jobs and the Economy

Our economy should be structured to benefit all Americans, not just a wealthy few. I am committed to doing everything I can to build an economy in which hard work is rewarded and all workers are treated with respect and dignity.
Public Safety

Public Safety

Ensuring our public safety is a responsibility we all share as Americans. I am committed to supporting our local first responders, law enforcement officers, and health care workers who work every day to keep our community safe.
A group of seniors smiling together


As a Member of Congress, I am deeply committed to protecting the programs that our seniors rely on most. Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are all critical to ensuring our seniors can retire with dignity. I will fight to strengthen these programs and prevent changes that would limit accessibility or negatively reconfigure eligibility.

Voting Rights and Corruption

We face major challenges related to protecting the integrity of our elections and government institutions. We must defend our elections from foreign interference, protect the right of every citizen to cast a ballot, rein in dark money and special interest influence in campaigns, and ensure our elected officials are accountable to their constituents and serve with integrity.
Closeup shot of a young man writing on a note pad


I am committed to ensuring that every child can access a world-class education, that our teachers and school leaders have the support they need to educate their students, and that every student who works hard and wants to attend higher education is able to afford it.
oil rig and sunset

Foreign Affairs and National Security

I am dedicated to ensuring that our nation’s foreign policy advances our interests, reflects our ideals, builds trust among key allies and partners, and earns the respect of our friends and adversaries alike.
stethoscope on a clipboard

Health Care

Since the start of my career in Congress, I have made it one of my top priorities to fight for high-quality, affordable health care for all. As a nation, we pay the most by far of any country in the world for both medical care and prescription drugs, and yet millions of our people remain uninsured, under-insured, burdened by high insurance premiums, and unable to afford the medicine they need. This situation is unacceptable, and I’m fighting to change it.
Military soldier saluting American flag


Pennsylvania has one of the highest populations of veterans in the nation, including nearly one million people across the Commonwealth. As the daughter of a servicemember who spent his entire career in the Air Force, I am committed to providing veterans and servicemembers with the care and support they deserve.
