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In The News

September 14, 2009 In The News

La Crosse County has received a $333,000 federal grant to help fight obesity in young schoolchildren and train physicians to counsel patients on healthy lifestyles.

September 7, 2009 In The News

For years, health policy experts have said health care spending is much higher in New York City and Boston because doctors and hospitals there provide more services, practicing medicine in a more intensive way.

September 4, 2009 In The News

This city often shows up on "best places to live" lists, but residents say it is also a good place to die - which is how it landed in the center of a controversy that almost derailed health-care reform this summer.

August 26, 2009 In The News

While the debate rages on over whether health care reform in the United States should include a public option insurance plan, there is widespread agreement on some reform elements, according to U.S. Rep. Ron Kind.

August 19, 2009 In The News

For all the talk nationally about unruly town hall meetings, the folks in Richland Center debated the future of American health care Tuesday night in a civil and thoughtful way.

Their example deserves emulation.

August 2, 2009 In The News

Here's an irony for you: The health-care bills in Congress are getting better even as support for them diminishes around the country. It is just as well that President Obama has yielded to common sense and backed off his demand for quick action. It will take time for voters to become more comfortable with the changes he wants to make.

July 29, 2009 In The News

While President Barack Obama clearly wants a completed health care reform package on his desk sooner rather than later, Wisconsin Congressman Ron Kind says the issue deserves a more deliberate pace.

July 24, 2009 In The News

Wisconsin Rep. Ron Kind and other moderate Democrats in the House are playing starring roles in the evolving congressional debate over health care reform.
