Get Involved

sign up table for walk

Become a Fundraiser

There are so many gret ways you can fundraise for NAMI. You can plan an event like a bake sale, concert or gala, celebrate a milestone or create a fundraising page online.

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Create a Memorial Fundraiser

Honor the life of a loved one you've lost with a memorial page supporting NAMI. You can honor and remember your loved one while making a difference in the lives of individuals affected by mental health conditions and their families.

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Pledge to Be StigmaFree

Mental health matters to everyone. Pledge today to promise to learn about mental health, see the person not the condition and take action!

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share your story

Share Your Story

It's time we talked about mental health. Share your story.

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young adult partners

Partner with Us

NAMI's partnership program comprises an array of opportunities for engagment and is customized for the indivdual brand, company, organization, foundation or celebrity influencer.

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NAMI on Campus

Some of the best support a student can receive is from peers. Start or join a NAMI on Campus club and connect with other students to find support and take action at your school.

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