Nightly Whip
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Office of the Majority Leader - Steny Hoyer


Considered and Passed:

H.R. 4173 – Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009 (Rep. Frank – Financial Services) (223 – 202)

-      Amendments – Passed (21):

·         Frank Manager’s Amendment

·         Peterson/Frank Amendment

·         Peterson Amendment

·         Matsui/Sutton/Castor Amendment

·         Lynch Amendment

·         Murphy (NY)/McMahon(NY)/Kratovil (MD) Amendment

·         Paulsen Amendment

·         Burgess Amendment #20

·         Burgess Amendment #21

·         Burgess Amendment #22

·         Burgess Amendment #23

·         Burgess Amendment #24

·         Herseth Sandlin Amendment

·         Dent Amendment

·         Moore (KS)/Garrett Amendment

·         Murphy (NY) Amendment #34

·         Cohen/Frank Amendment

·         Garrett Amendment

·         Peters Amendment

·         Kilroy Amendment

·         Schakowsky/Titus Amendment


-      Amendments – Failed (10):

·         Sessions Amendment

·         Frank Amendment #7

·         Stupak/Van Hollen Amendment #8

·         Stupak/DeLauro/Larson/Van Hollen Amendment

·         Frank/Kanjorski Amendment

·         Kanjorski/Frank/Sarbanes/Cohen Amendment

·         McCarthy (CA) Amendment

·         Conyers/Turner/Lofgren/Marshall/Waters/Cohen/Miller (NC)/ Delahunt/Nadler/Fudge Amendment

·         Minnick/Schock/Shuler/Castle/Childers/Campbell/Markey (CO)/Reichert/ Teague/Bright/Boren/Griffith Amendment

·         Bachus Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute


-      Amendments – Withdrawn (1):

·         Watt Amendment


-      Amendments – Not Offered (4):

·         Marshall Amendment

·         Wittman Amendment

·         Minnick Amendment

·         Bartlett Amendment


-      Motion to Recommit – Failed:

·         Offered by Mr. Dent (PA) (190 - 232)



Bill Adopted By Unanimous Consent (1):

  1. H.J.Res. 62 - Appointing the day for the convening of the second session of the One Hundred Eleventh Congress (Rep. Hoyer)