Women Chairs of Subcommittees of Standing Committees in the U.S. House

This table is based on information drawn from the Congressional Directory, various historical directories, and the United States Code Congressional and Administrative News.

Information on subcommittees prior to the Legislative Re-Organization Act of 1946 is not available in the published record. A complete analysis of the 1917–1947 period awaits a thorough study of committee minute books, which are deposited at the Center for Legislative Archives, National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Not all committee records for this period are complete because the House and Senate did not have a formal process for transferring committee records to NARA until the Legislative Re-Organization Act of 1946 took effect.

Congress Name Committee Subcommittee
117th (2021–2023)
117th (2021–2023) ADAMS, Alma Education and Labor Workforce Protections
117th (2021–2023) BARRAGÁN, Nanette Homeland Security Border Security, Facilitation, and Operations
117th (2021–2023) BASS, Karen Foreign Affairs Africa, Global Health, and Global Human Rights
117th (2021–2023) BEATTY, Joyce Financial Services Diversity and Inclusion
117th (2021–2023) BONAMICI, Suzanne Education and Labor Civil Rights and Human Services
117th (2021–2023) BROWNLEY, Julia Veterans' Affairs Health
117th (2021–2023) BUSTOS, Cheri Agriculture General Farm Commodities and Risk Management
117th (2021–2023) CLARKE, Yvette Diane Homeland Security Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection, and Innovation
117th (2021–2023) DAVIDS, Sharice Small Business Economic Growth, Tax and Capital Access
117th (2021–2023) DEGETTE, Diana Energy and Commerce Oversight and Investigations
117th (2021–2023) DELAURO, Rosa L. Appropriations Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies
117th (2021–2023) DEMINGS, Valdez Homeland Security Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Recovery
117th (2021–2023) ESHOO, Anna Georges Energy and Commerce Health
117th (2021–2023) HAYES, Jahana Agriculture Nutrition, Oversight, and Department Operations
117th (2021–2023) JACKSON LEE, Sheila Judiciary Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security
117th (2021–2023) KAPTUR, Marcia Carolyn (Marcy) Appropriations Energy and Water Development, and Related Agencies
117th (2021–2023) LEE, Barbara Appropriations State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs
117th (2021–2023) LEGER FERNANDEZ, Teresa Natural Resources Indigenous Peoples of the United States
117th (2021–2023) LOFGREN, Zoe Judiciary Immigration and Citizenship
117th (2021–2023) LURIA, Elaine Veterans' Affairs Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs
117th (2021–2023) MCCOLLUM, Betty Appropriations Defense
117th (2021–2023) NAPOLITANO, Grace Flores Transportation and Infrastructure Water Resources and Environment
117th (2021–2023) NORTON, Eleanor Holmes Transportation and Infrastructure Highways and Transit
117th (2021–2023) PINGREE, Chellie Appropriations Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies
117th (2021–2023) PLASKETT, Stacey E. Agriculture Biotechnology, Horticulture, and Research
117th (2021–2023) PORTER, Katie Natural Resources Oversight and Investigations
117th (2021–2023) ROYBAL-ALLARD, Lucille Appropriations Homeland Security
117th (2021–2023) SCHAKOWSKY, Janice D. Energy and Commerce Consumer Protection and Commerce
117th (2021–2023) SHERRILL, Mikie Science, Space, and Technology Environment
117th (2021–2023) SLOTKIN, Elissa Homeland Security Intelligence and Counterterrorism
117th (2021–2023) SPANBERGER, Abigail Agriculture Conservation and Forestry
117th (2021–2023) SPEIER, Karen Lorraine Jacqueline (Jackie) Armed Services Military Personnel
117th (2021–2023) SPEIER, Karen Lorraine Jacqueline (Jackie) Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Strategic Technologies and Advanced Research (STAR)
117th (2021–2023) STEVENS, Haley Science, Space, and Technology Research and Technology
117th (2021–2023) TITUS, Alice Constandina (Dina) Transportation and Infrastructure Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management
117th (2021–2023) TORRES, Norma Judith Rules Rules and Organization of the House
117th (2021–2023) WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Debbie Appropriations Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies
117th (2021–2023) WATSON COLEMAN, Bonnie Homeland Security Transportation and Maritime Security
117th (2021–2023) WILSON, Frederica Education and Labor Higher Education and Workforce Investment
116th (2019–2021)
116th (2019–2021) ADAMS, Alma Education and Labor Workforce Protections
116th (2019–2021) BASS, Karen Foreign Affairs Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations
116th (2019–2021) BASS, Karen Judiciary Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security
116th (2019–2021) BEATTY, Joyce Financial Services Diversity and Inclusion
116th (2019–2021) BONAMICI, Suzanne Education and Labor Civil Rights and Human Services
116th (2019–2021) BROWNLEY, Julia Veterans' Affairs Health
116th (2019–2021) CHU, Judy Small Business Investigations, Oversight, and Regulations
116th (2019–2021) DAVIS, Susan A. Education and Labor Higher Education and Workforce Investment
116th (2019–2021) DEGETTE, Diana Energy and Commerce Oversight and Investigations
116th (2019–2021) DELAURO, Rosa L. Appropriations Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies
116th (2019–2021) ESHOO, Anna Georges Energy and Commerce Health
116th (2019–2021) FINKENAUER, Abby Small Business Rural Development, Agriculture, Trade, and Entrepreneurship
116th (2019–2021) FLETCHER, Elizabeth Pannill Science, Space, and Technology Environment
116th (2019–2021) FLETCHER, Elizabeth Pannill Science, Space, and Technology Energy
116th (2019–2021) FUDGE, Marcia L. Agriculture Nutrition, Oversight, and Department Operations
116th (2019–2021) FUDGE, Marcia L. House Administration Elections
116th (2019–2021) HAALAND, Debra Natural Resources National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands
116th (2019–2021) HORN, Kendra Science, Space, and Technology Space and Aeronautics
116th (2019–2021) KAPTUR, Marcia Carolyn (Marcy) Appropriations Energy and Water Development, and Related Agencies
116th (2019–2021) LEE, Susie Veterans' Affairs Technology Modernization
116th (2019–2021) LOFGREN, Zoe Judiciary Immigration and Citizenship
116th (2019–2021) LOWEY, Nita M. Appropriations State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs
116th (2019–2021) LURIA, Elaine Veterans' Affairs Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs
116th (2019–2021) MALONEY, Carolyn Bosher Financial Services Investor Protection, Entrepreneurship, and Capital Markets
116th (2019–2021) MCCOLLUM, Betty Appropriations Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies
116th (2019–2021) NAPOLITANO, Grace Flores Transportation and Infrastructure Water Resources and Environment
116th (2019–2021) NORTON, Eleanor Holmes Transportation and Infrastructure Highways and Transit
116th (2019–2021) PLASKETT, Stacey E. Agriculture Biotechnology, Horticulture, and Research
116th (2019–2021) RICE, Kathleen Maura Homeland Security Border Security, Facilitation, and Operations
116th (2019–2021) ROYBAL-ALLARD, Lucille Appropriations Homeland Security
116th (2019–2021) SCHAKOWSKY, Janice D. Energy and Commerce Consumer Protection and Commerce
116th (2019–2021) SEWELL, Terri Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Defense Intelligence and Warfighter Support
116th (2019–2021) SHERRILL, Mikie Science, Space, and Technology Investigations and Oversight
116th (2019–2021) SHERRILL, Mikie Science, Space, and Technology Environment
116th (2019–2021) SPANBERGER, Abigail Agriculture Conservation and Forestry
116th (2019–2021) SPEIER, Karen Lorraine Jacqueline (Jackie) Armed Services Military Personnel
116th (2019–2021) STEVENS, Haley Science, Space, and Technology Research and Technology
116th (2019–2021) TITUS, Alice Constandina (Dina) Transportation and Infrastructure Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management
116th (2019–2021) TORRES SMALL, Xochitl Homeland Security Oversight, Management, and Accountability
116th (2019–2021) TORRES, Norma Judith Rules Rules and Organization of the House
116th (2019–2021) UNDERWOOD, Lauren Homeland Security Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection, and Innovation
116th (2019–2021) WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Debbie Appropriations Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies
116th (2019–2021) WILSON, Frederica Education and Labor Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions
115th (2017–2019)
115th (2017–2019) BLACKBURN, Marsha Energy and Commerce Communications and Technology
115th (2017–2019) COMSTOCK, Barbara J. Science, Space, and Technology Research and Technology
115th (2017–2019) GRANGER, Kay Appropriations Defense
115th (2017–2019) HARTZLER, Vicky Armed Services Oversight and Investigations
115th (2017–2019) JENKINS, Lynn Ways and Means Oversight
115th (2017–2019) MCSALLY, Martha Homeland Security Border and Maritime Security
115th (2017–2019) RADEWAGEN, Aumua Amata Coleman Small Business Health and Technology
115th (2017–2019) ROS-LEHTINEN, Ileana Foreign Affairs The Middle East and North Africa
115th (2017–2019) STEFANIK, Elise M. Armed Services Emerging Threats and Capabilities
115th (2017–2019) WAGNER, Ann Financial Services Oversight and Investigations
114th (2015–2017)
114th (2015–2017) BLACKBURN, Marsha Energy and Commerce Select Investigative Panel of the Committee on Energy and Commerce
114th (2015–2017) COMSTOCK, Barbara J. Science, Space, and Technology Research and Technology
114th (2015–2017) FOXX, Virginia Ann Education and the Workforce Higher Education and Workforce Training
114th (2015–2017) GRANGER, Kay Appropriations State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs
114th (2015–2017) HARTZLER, Vicky Armed Services Oversight and Investigations
114th (2015–2017) LUMMIS, Cynthia M. Oversight and Government Reform The Interior
114th (2015–2017) MCSALLY, Martha Homeland Security Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Communications
114th (2015–2017) MCSALLY, Martha Homeland Security Border and Maritime Security
114th (2015–2017) MILLER, Candice S. Homeland Security Border and Maritime Security
114th (2015–2017) RADEWAGEN, Aumua Amata Coleman Small Business Health and Technology
114th (2015–2017) ROS-LEHTINEN, Ileana Foreign Affairs The Middle East and North Africa
114th (2015–2017) WALORSKI, Jackie Agriculture Nutrition
113th (2013–2015)
113th (2013–2015) BROOKS, Susan Homeland Security Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Communications
113th (2013–2015) CAPITO, Shelley Moore Financial Services Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit
113th (2013–2015) FOXX, Virginia Ann Education and the Workforce Higher Education and Workforce Training
113th (2013–2015) GRANGER, Kay Appropriations State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs
113th (2013–2015) LUMMIS, Cynthia M. Science, Space, and Technology Energy
113th (2013–2015) MILLER, Candice S. Homeland Security Border and Maritime Security
113th (2013–2015) ROS-LEHTINEN, Ileana Foreign Affairs The Middle East and North Africa
112th (2011–2013)
112th (2011–2013) BIGGERT, Judy Borg Financial Services Insurance, Housing and Community Opportunity
112th (2011–2013) BONO, Mary Energy and Commerce Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade
112th (2011–2013) BUERKLE, Ann Marie Veterans' Affairs Health
112th (2011–2013) CAPITO, Shelley Moore Financial Services Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit
112th (2011–2013) ELLMERS, Renee Small Business Healthcare and Technology
112th (2011–2013) EMERSON, Jo Ann Appropriations Financial Services and General Government
112th (2011–2013) FOXX, Virginia Ann Education and the Workforce Higher Education and Workforce Training
112th (2011–2013) GRANGER, Kay Appropriations State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs
112th (2011–2013) MILLER, Candice S. Homeland Security Border and Maritime Security
112th (2011–2013) MYRICK, Sue Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Terrorism, Human Intelligence, Analysis, and Counterintelligence
112th (2011–2013) SCHMIDT, Jean Agriculture Nutrition and Horticulture
111th (2009–2011)
111th (2009–2011) BORDALLO, Madeleine Natural Resources Insular Affairs, Oceans and Wildlife
111th (2009–2011) BROWN, Corrine Transportation and Infrastructure Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials
111th (2009–2011) CLARKE, Yvette Diane Homeland Security Emerging Threats, Cybersecurity, and Science and Technology
111th (2009–2011) DAHLKEMPER, Kathleen A. (Kathy) Small Business Regulations and Healthcare
111th (2009–2011) DAVIS, Susan A. Armed Services Military Personnel
111th (2009–2011) DELAURO, Rosa L. Appropriations Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies
111th (2009–2011) ESHOO, Anna Georges Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Intelligence Community Management
111th (2009–2011) GIFFORDS, Gabrielle Science and Technology Space and Aeronautics
111th (2009–2011) HARMAN, Jane L. Homeland Security Intelligence, Information Sharing, and Terrorism Risk Assessment
111th (2009–2011) HERSETH SANDLIN, Stephanie Veterans' Affairs Economic Opportunity
111th (2009–2011) JACKSON LEE, Sheila Homeland Security Transportation Security and Infrastructure Protection
111th (2009–2011) JOHNSON, Eddie Bernice Transportation and Infrastructure Water Resources and Environment
111th (2009–2011) LOFGREN, Zoe House Administration Elections
111th (2009–2011) LOFGREN, Zoe Judiciary Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security, and International Law
111th (2009–2011) LOWEY, Nita M. Appropriations State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs
111th (2009–2011) MCCARTHY, Carolyn Education and Labor Healthy Families and Communities
111th (2009–2011) NAPOLITANO, Grace Flores Natural Resources Water and Power
111th (2009–2011) NORTON, Eleanor Holmes Transportation and Infrastructure Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management
111th (2009–2011) RICHARDSON, Laura Homeland Security Emergency Communications, Preparedness, and Response
111th (2009–2011) SANCHEZ, Loretta Homeland Security Border, Maritime, and Global Counterterrorism
111th (2009–2011) SANCHEZ, Loretta Armed Services Terrorism, Unconventional Threats and Capabilities
111th (2009–2011) SCHAKOWSKY, Janice D. Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Oversight and Investigations
111th (2009–2011) WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Debbie Appropriations Legislative Branch
111th (2009–2011) WATERS, Maxine Financial Services Housing and Community Opportunity
111th (2009–2011) WATSON, Diane Edith Oversight and Government Reform Government Management, Organization, and Procurement
111th (2009–2011) WOOLSEY, Lynn C. Education and Labor Workforce Protections
110th (2007–2009)
110th (2007–2009) BEAN, Melissa L. Small Business Finance and Tax
110th (2007–2009) BORDALLO, Madeleine Natural Resources Fisheries, Wildlife, and Oceans
110th (2007–2009) BROWN, Corrine Transportation and Infrastructure Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials
110th (2007–2009) CHRISTENSEN, Donna Marie Natural Resources Insular Affairs
110th (2007–2009) DAVIS, Susan A. Armed Services Military Personnel
110th (2007–2009) DELAURO, Rosa L. Appropriations Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies
110th (2007–2009) ESHOO, Anna Georges Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Intelligence Community Management
110th (2007–2009) HARMAN, Jane L. Homeland Security Intelligence, Information Sharing, and Terrorism Risk Assessment
110th (2007–2009) HERSETH SANDLIN, Stephanie Veterans' Affairs Economic Opportunity
110th (2007–2009) JACKSON LEE, Sheila Homeland Security Transportation Security and Infrastructure Protection
110th (2007–2009) JOHNSON, Eddie Bernice Transportation and Infrastructure Water Resources and Environment
110th (2007–2009) LOFGREN, Zoe House Administration Elections
110th (2007–2009) LOFGREN, Zoe Judiciary Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security, and International Law
110th (2007–2009) LOWEY, Nita M. Appropriations State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs
110th (2007–2009) MALONEY, Carolyn Bosher Financial Services Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit
110th (2007–2009) MCCARTHY, Carolyn Education and Labor Healthy Families and Communities
110th (2007–2009) NAPOLITANO, Grace Flores Natural Resources Water and Power
110th (2007–2009) NORTON, Eleanor Holmes Transportation and Infrastructure Economic Development, Public Buildings and Emergency Management
110th (2007–2009) SÁNCHEZ, Linda T. Judiciary Commercial and Administrative Law
110th (2007–2009) SANCHEZ, Loretta Homeland Security Border, Maritime, and Global Counterterrorism
110th (2007–2009) TAUSCHER, Ellen O'Kane Armed Services Strategic Forces
110th (2007–2009) WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Debbie Appropriations Legislative Branch
110th (2007–2009) WATERS, Maxine Financial Services Housing and Community Opportunity
110th (2007–2009) WOOLSEY, Lynn C. Education and Labor Workforce Protections
109th (2005–2007)
109th (2005–2007) BIGGERT, Judy Borg Science Energy
109th (2005–2007) DAVIS, Jo Ann Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Intelligence Policy
109th (2005–2007) DAVIS, Jo Ann Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Terrorism, Human Intelligence, Analysis, and Counterintelligence
109th (2005–2007) JOHNSON, Nancy Lee Ways and Means Health
109th (2005–2007) KELLY, Sue W. Financial Services Oversight and Investigations
109th (2005–2007) MILLER, Candice S. Government Reform Regulatory Affairs
109th (2005–2007) MUSGRAVE, Marilyn N Small Business Workforce, Empowerment and Government Programs
109th (2005–2007) PRYCE, Deborah D. Financial Services Domestic and International Monetary Policy, Trade and Technology
109th (2005–2007) ROS-LEHTINEN, Ileana International Relations The Middle East and Central Asia
109th (2005–2007) WILSON, Heather Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Technical and Tactical Intelligence
108th (2003–2005)
108th (2003–2005) BIGGERT, Judy Borg Science Energy
108th (2003–2005) CUBIN, Barbara L. Resources Energy and Mineral Resources
108th (2003–2005) DAVIS, Jo Ann Government Reform Civil Service and Agency Organization
108th (2003–2005) DAVIS, Jo Ann International Relations Europe
108th (2003–2005) JOHNSON, Nancy Lee Ways and Means Health
108th (2003–2005) KELLY, Sue W. Financial Services Oversight and Investigations
108th (2003–2005) PRYCE, Deborah D. Rules Legislative and Budget Process
108th (2003–2005) ROS-LEHTINEN, Ileana International Relations The Middle East and Central Asia
107th (2001–2003)
107th (2001–2003) CUBIN, Barbara L. Resources Energy and Mineral Resources
107th (2001–2003) JOHNSON, Nancy Lee Ways and Means Health
107th (2001–2003) KELLY, Sue W. Financial Services Oversight and Investigations
107th (2001–2003) MORELLA, Constance A. Government Reform District of Columbia
107th (2001–2003) PRYCE, Deborah D. Rules Legislative and Budget Process
107th (2001–2003) ROS-LEHTINEN, Ileana International Relations International Operations and Human Rights
107th (2001–2003) ROUKEMA, Margaret Scafati Financial Services Housing and Community Opportunity
106th (1999–2001)
106th (1999–2001) CHENOWETH-HAGE, Helen P. Resources Forests and Forest Health
106th (1999–2001) CUBIN, Barbara L. Resources Energy and Mineral Resources
106th (1999–2001) FOWLER, Tillie Kidd Transportation and Infrastructure Oversight, Investigations and Emergency Management
106th (1999–2001) JOHNSON, Nancy Lee Ways and Means Human Resources
106th (1999–2001) KELLY, Sue W. Small Business Regulatory Reform and Paperwork Reduction
106th (1999–2001) MORELLA, Constance A. Science Technology
106th (1999–2001) ROS-LEHTINEN, Ileana International Relations International Economic Policy and Trade
106th (1999–2001) ROUKEMA, Margaret Scafati Banking and Financial Services Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit
105th (1997–1999)
105th (1997–1999) CHENOWETH-HAGE, Helen P. Resources Forests and Forest Health
105th (1997–1999) CUBIN, Barbara L. Resources Energy and Mineral Resources
105th (1997–1999) JOHNSON, Nancy Lee Ways and Means Oversight
105th (1997–1999) KELLY, Sue W. Small Business Regulatory Reform and Paperwork Reduction
105th (1997–1999) MOLINARI, Susan Transportation and Infrastructure Railroads
105th (1997–1999) MORELLA, Constance A. Science Technology
105th (1997–1999) ROS-LEHTINEN, Ileana International Relations International Economic Policy and Trade
105th (1997–1999) ROUKEMA, Margaret Scafati Banking and Financial Services Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit
104th (1995–1997)
104th (1995–1997) JOHNSON, Nancy Lee Ways and Means Oversight
104th (1995–1997) MOLINARI, Susan Transportation and Infrastructure Railroads
104th (1995–1997) MORELLA, Constance A. Science Technology
104th (1995–1997) ROS-LEHTINEN, Ileana International Relations Africa
104th (1995–1997) ROUKEMA, Margaret Scafati Banking and Financial Services Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit
104th (1995–1997) SMITH, Linda Small Business Taxation and Finance
104th (1995–1997) VUCANOVICH, Barbara Farrell Appropriations Military Construction
103rd (1993–1995)
103rd (1993–1995) COLLINS, Barbara-Rose Post Office and Civil Service Postal Operations and Services
103rd (1993–1995) COLLINS, Cardiss Energy and Commerce Commerce, Consumer Protection, and Competitiveness
103rd (1993–1995) LLOYD, Marilyn Laird Science, Space and Technology Energy
103rd (1993–1995) NORTON, Eleanor Holmes District of Columbia Judiciary and Education
103rd (1993–1995) NORTON, Eleanor Holmes Post Office and Civil Service Compensation and Employee Benefits
103rd (1993–1995) SCHROEDER, Patricia Scott Armed Services Research and Technology
102nd (1991–1993)
102nd (1991–1993) BOXER, Barbara Government Operations Government Activities and Transportation
102nd (1991–1993) BYRON, Beverly Barton Butcher Armed Services Military Personnel and Compensation
102nd (1991–1993) COLLINS, Cardiss Energy and Commerce Commerce, Consumer Protection, and Competitiveness
102nd (1991–1993) KENNELLY, Barbara Bailey Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Legislation
102nd (1991–1993) LLOYD, Marilyn Laird Science, Space and Technology Energy
102nd (1991–1993) OAKAR, Mary Rose Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs International Development, Finance, Trade, and Monetary Policy
102nd (1991–1993) OAKAR, Mary Rose House Administration Personnel and Police
102nd (1991–1993) SCHROEDER, Patricia Scott Armed Services Military Installations and Facilities
101st (1989–1991)
101st (1989–1991) BYRON, Beverly Barton Butcher Armed Services Military Personnel and Compensation
101st (1989–1991) COLLINS, Cardiss Government Operations Government Activities and Transportation
101st (1989–1991) LLOYD, Marilyn Laird Science, Space and Technology Energy Research and Development
101st (1989–1991) OAKAR, Mary Rose Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs Economic Stabilization
101st (1989–1991) OAKAR, Mary Rose House Administration Personnel and Police
101st (1989–1991) SCHROEDER, Patricia Scott Armed Services Military Installations and Facilities
100th (1987–1989)
100th (1987–1989) BYRON, Beverly Barton Butcher Armed Services Military Personnel and Compensation
100th (1987–1989) COLLINS, Cardiss Government Operations Government Activities and Transportation
100th (1987–1989) KAPTUR, Marcia Carolyn (Marcy) Veterans' Affairs Housing and Memorial Affairs
100th (1987–1989) LLOYD, Marilyn Laird Science, Space and Technology Energy Research and Development
100th (1987–1989) OAKAR, Mary Rose Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs Economic Stabilization
100th (1987–1989) OAKAR, Mary Rose House Administration Libraries and Memorials
100th (1987–1989) SCHROEDER, Patricia Scott Post Office and Civil Service Civil Service
99th (1985–1987)
99th (1985–1987) COLLINS, Cardiss Government Operations Government Activities and Transportation
99th (1985–1987) LLOYD, Marilyn Laird Science and Technology Energy Research and Production
99th (1985–1987) MIKULSKI, Barbara Ann Merchant Marine and Fisheries Oceanography
99th (1985–1987) OAKAR, Mary Rose Post Office and Civil Service Compensation and Employee Benefits
99th (1985–1987) SCHROEDER, Patricia Scott Post Office and Civil Service Civil Service
98th (1983–1985)
98th (1983–1985) COLLINS, Cardiss Government Operations Government Activities and Transportation
98th (1983–1985) HALL, Katie Beatrice Post Office and Civil Service Census and Population
98th (1983–1985) LLOYD, Marilyn Laird Science and Technology Energy Research and Production
98th (1983–1985) OAKAR, Mary Rose Post Office and Civil Service Compensation and Employee Benefits
98th (1983–1985) SCHROEDER, Patricia Scott Post Office and Civil Service Civil Service
97th (1981–1983)
97th (1981–1983) COLLINS, Cardiss Government Operations Manpower and Housing
97th (1981–1983) FERRARO, Geraldine Anne Post Office and Civil Service Human Resources
97th (1981–1983) LLOYD, Marilyn Laird Science and Technology Energy Research and Production
97th (1981–1983) OAKAR, Mary Rose Post Office and Civil Service Compensation and Employee Benefits
97th (1981–1983) SCHROEDER, Patricia Scott Post Office and Civil Service Civil Service
96th (1979–1981)
96th (1979–1981) COLLINS, Cardiss Government Operations Manpower and Housing
96th (1979–1981) HOLTZMAN, Elizabeth Budget Task Force on State and Local Governments 1
96th (1979–1981) HOLTZMAN, Elizabeth Judiciary Immigration, Refugees, and International Law
96th (1979–1981) SCHROEDER, Patricia Scott Post Office and Civil Service Civil Service
96th (1979–1981) SPELLMAN, Gladys Noon Post Office and Civil Service Compensation and Employee Benefits
95th (1977–1979)
95th (1977–1979) COLLINS, Cardiss Government Operations Manpower and Housing
95th (1977–1979) HOLTZMAN, Elizabeth Budget Task Force on State and Local Governments 2
95th (1977–1979) SCHROEDER, Patricia Scott Post Office and Civil Service Employee Ethics and Utilization
95th (1977–1979) SPELLMAN, Gladys Noon Post Office and Civil Service Compensation and Employee Benefits
94th (1975–1977)
94th (1975–1977) ABZUG, Bella Savitzky Government Operations Government Information and Individual Rights
94th (1975–1977) MINK, Patsy Takemoto Interior and Insular Affairs Mines and Mining
94th (1975–1977) SCHROEDER, Patricia Scott Post Office and Civil Service Census and Population
93rd (1973–1975)
93rd (1973–1975) HANSEN, Julia Butler Appropriations Department of the Interior
93rd (1973–1975) MINK, Patsy Takemoto Interior and Insular Affairs Mines and Mining
93rd (1973–1975) SULLIVAN, Leonor Kretzer Banking and Currency Consumer Affairs
92nd (1971–1973)
92nd (1971–1973) GREEN, Edith Starrett Education and Labor Special Subcommittee on Education
92nd (1971–1973) HANSEN, Julia Butler Appropriations Department of the Interior and Related Agencies
92nd (1971–1973) SULLIVAN, Leonor Kretzer Banking and Currency Consumer Affairs
91st (1969–1971)
91st (1969–1971) GREEN, Edith Starrett Education and Labor Special Subcommittee on Education
91st (1969–1971) HANSEN, Julia Butler Appropriations Department of the Interior and Related Agencies
91st (1969–1971) SULLIVAN, Leonor Kretzer Banking and Currency Consumer Affairs
91st (1969–1971) SULLIVAN, Leonor Kretzer Merchant Marine and Fisheries Panama Canal
90th (1967–1969)
90th (1967–1969) GREEN, Edith Starrett Education and Labor Special Subcommittee on Education
90th (1967–1969) HANSEN, Julia Butler Appropriations Department of the Interior and Related Agencies
90th (1967–1969) KELLY, Edna Flannery Foreign Affairs Europe
90th (1967–1969) SULLIVAN, Leonor Kretzer Banking and Currency Consumer Affairs
90th (1967–1969) SULLIVAN, Leonor Kretzer Merchant Marine and Fisheries Panama Canal
89th (1965–1967)
89th (1965–1967) GREEN, Edith Starrett Education and Labor Special Subcommittee on Education
89th (1965–1967) KELLY, Edna Flannery Foreign Affairs Europe
89th (1965–1967) SULLIVAN, Leonor Kretzer Banking and Currency Consumer Affairs
89th (1965–1967) SULLIVAN, Leonor Kretzer Merchant Marine and Fisheries Panama Canal
88th (1963–1965)
88th (1963–1965) GREEN, Edith Starrett Education and Labor Special Subcommittee on Education
88th (1963–1965) KEE, Maude Elizabeth Veterans' Affairs Hospitals
88th (1963–1965) KELLY, Edna Flannery Foreign Affairs Europe
88th (1963–1965) SULLIVAN, Leonor Kretzer Banking and Currency Consumer Affairs
88th (1963–1965) SULLIVAN, Leonor Kretzer Merchant Marine and Fisheries Panama Canal
87th (1961–1963)
87th (1961–1963) GRANAHAN, Kathryn Elizabeth Post Office and Civil Service Postal Operations
87th (1961–1963) GREEN, Edith Starrett Education and Labor Special Subcommittee on Education
87th (1961–1963) KEE, Maude Elizabeth Veterans' Affairs Hospitals
87th (1961–1963) KELLY, Edna Flannery Foreign Affairs Europe
87th (1961–1963) PFOST, Gracie Bowers Interior and Insular Affairs Public Lands
87th (1961–1963) SULLIVAN, Leonor Kretzer Merchant Marine and Fisheries Panama Canal
86th (1959–1961)
86th (1959–1961) GRANAHAN, Kathryn Elizabeth Post Office and Civil Service Postal Operations
86th (1959–1961) KEE, Maude Elizabeth Veterans' Affairs Hospitals
86th (1959–1961) KELLY, Edna Flannery Foreign Affairs Canada-United States Interparliamentary Group
86th (1959–1961) KELLY, Edna Flannery Foreign Affairs Europe
86th (1959–1961) PFOST, Gracie Bowers Interior and Insular Affairs Public Lands
86th (1959–1961) SULLIVAN, Leonor Kretzer Merchant Marine and Fisheries Panama Canal
85th (1957–1959)
85th (1957–1959) KEE, Maude Elizabeth Veterans' Affairs Administration
85th (1957–1959) KELLY, Edna Flannery Foreign Affairs Europe
85th (1957–1959) PFOST, Gracie Bowers Interior and Insular Affairs Public Lands
85th (1957–1959) SULLIVAN, Leonor Kretzer Merchant Marine and Fisheries Panama Canal
84th (1955–1957)
84th (1955–1957) KEE, Maude Elizabeth Veterans' Affairs Education and Training
84th (1955–1957) KELLY, Edna Flannery Foreign Affairs Europe
84th (1955–1957) PFOST, Gracie Bowers Interior and Insular Affairs Public Lands
83rd (1953–1955)
83rd (1953–1955) BOLTON, Frances Payne Foreign Affairs Near East and Africa
83rd (1953–1955) HARDEN, Cecil Murray Government Operations Intergovernmental Relations
83rd (1953–1955) ST. GEORGE, Katharine Price Collier Post Office and Civil Service Postal Operations
80th (1947–1949)
80th (1947–1949) BOLTON, Frances Payne Foreign Affairs Africa and the Mediterranean
80th (1947–1949) SMITH, Margaret Chase Armed Services Hospitalization, Health (Medical Corps)


1Listed as one of nine subcommittees of the Budget Committee; parenthetically referred to as a task force.

2Listed as one of eight subcommittees of the Budget Committee; parenthetically referred to as a task force.