I am honored to serve on the Ways and Means Committee, the oldest committee in Congress and the only one specifically mentioned in the Constitution. The Ways and Means Committee has jurisdiction over many important areas including health care, trade, and oversight, with sole authority over tax-related policy. 
On this committee, I use my experience as a CPA and tax lawyer to tackle issues that matter to the 7th District, including job creation, reforming our tax code, and growing our economy.
I'm honored to be the first member from South Carolina to hold a leadership position on the powerful House Ways and Means Committee in 36 years. I serve on three subcommittees within the Ways and Means Committee: Ranking Republican Member of the Oversight Subcommittee, member of the Select Revenue Measures Subcommittee, and member of the Social Security Subcommittee Learn More

About the Ways & Means Committee

The Committee on Ways and Means is the oldest committee of the United States Congress, and is the chief tax-writing committee in the House of Representatives. The Committee derives a large share of its jurisdiction from Article I, Section VII of the U.S. Constitution, which declares, “All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives.”

First established as a select committee on July 24, 1789, it was discharged less than two months later. The committee was reappointed from the first session of the Fourth Congress in 1795, and was formally listed as a standing committee in the House Rules on January 7, 1802.

Until 1865, the jurisdiction of the committee (referred to as the Committee of Ways and Means before 1880) included the critically important areas of revenue, appropriations, and banking. Since 1865, the committee has continued to exercise jurisdiction over revenue and related issues such as tariffs, reciprocal trade agreements, and the bonded debt of the United States. Revenue-related aspects of the Social Security system, Medicare, and social services programs have come within Ways and Means’ purview in the 20th century.

The roster of committee members who have gone on to serve in higher office is impressive. Eight Presidents and eight Vice Presidents have served on Ways and Means, as have 21 Speakers of the House of Representatives, and four Justices of the Supreme Court. Learn More.