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Jurisdiction includes: National energy policy; fossil energy; renewable energy; nuclear energy; nuclear facilities; the Department of Energy; the Nuclear Regulatory Commission; the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission;synthetic and alternative fuels; energy conservation; energy information; energy security; utility issues; interstate energy compacts; energy generation, marketing, reliability, transmission, siting, exploration, production, consumption, efficiency, cybersecurity, and ratemaking for all generated power; pipelines, including pipeline safety aspects as they relate to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration; all laws, programs, and government activities affecting energy matters;environmental justice as it relates to the above-referenced jurisdiction ; and  all aspects of the above-referenced jurisdiction related to the Department of Homeland Security.


Bobby Rush
Bobby L. Rush
Illinois ~ 01

Democratic Members

Scott Peters
Scott H. Peters
California ~ 52
Jerry McNerney
Jerry McNerney
California ~ 09
Paul Tonko
Paul Tonko
New York ~ 20
Marc Veasey
Marc A. Veasey
Texas ~ 33
Kim Schrier
Kim Schrier
Washington ~ 08
Diana DeGette
Diana DeGette
~ CO
G. Butterfield
G. K. Butterfield
North Carolina ~ 01
Doris Matsui
Doris O. Matsui
California ~ 06
Kathy Castor
Kathy Castor
Florida ~ 14
Peter Welch
Peter Welch
Vermont ~
Kurt Schrader
Kurt Schrader
Oregon ~ 05
Ann Kuster
Ann M. Kuster
New Hampshire ~ 02
Nanette Barragán
Nanette Diaz Barragán
California ~ 44
A. McEachin
A. Donald McEachin
Virginia ~ 04
Lisa Blunt Rochester
Lisa Blunt Rochester
Delaware ~
Tom O'Halleran
Tom O'Halleran
Arizona ~ 01
Frank Pallone
Frank Pallone, Jr.
New Jersey ~ 06
Ex officio

Ranking Member

Fred Upton
Fred Upton
Michigan ~ 06

Republican Members

Michael Burgess
Michael C. Burgess
Texas ~ 26
Robert Latta
Robert E. Latta
Ohio ~ 05
David McKinley
David B. McKinley
West Virginia ~ 01
Adam Kinzinger
Adam Kinzinger
Illinois ~ 16
H. Griffith
H. Morgan Griffith
Virginia ~ 09
Bill Johnson
Bill Johnson
Ohio ~ 06
Larry Bucshon
Larry Bucshon
Indiana ~ 08
Tim Walberg
Tim Walberg
Michigan ~ 07
Jeff Duncan
Jeff Duncan
~ SC
Gary Palmer
Gary J. Palmer
Alabama ~ 06
Debbie Lesko
Debbie Lesko
Arizona ~ 08
Greg Pence
Greg Pence
~ IN
Kelly Armstrong
Kelly Armstrong
North Dakota ~
Cathy Rodgers
Cathy McMorris Rodgers
Washington ~ 05
Ex officio