ST. CLAIR, MI—Today, Congresswoman Lisa McClain (MI-10) hosted the renaming ceremony for the St. Clair Post Office, which is now formally recognized as the Corporal Jeffery Robert Standfest Post Office. This ceremony was made possible due to legislation led by Congresswoman McClain.

“Cpl. Standfest was an American hero who gave everything to our country,” said Rep. Lisa McClain.  “Renaming the St. Clair Post Office after him will help our community remember his bravery and incredible sacrifice. I am proud to have led this legislation in Congress to rename this Post Office so that Cpl. Standfest will always be remembered for his heroism and dedication to our nation.”

Cpl. Standfest, a 2005 graduate of St. Clair High School, was only 23 years old when an improvised explosive device struck and killed him in the Helmand province of Afghanistan while he was on foot patrol with his canine, Sgt. Rupert, a bomb sniffing dog. He was posthumously awarded the Purple Heart.