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The Energy and Commerce Committee is focused on combating the COVID-19 pandemic, providing relief to struggling families, rebuilding our economy, combating climate change, and conducting robust oversight.

Here is a look at some of the actions the Committee has taken in each of these areas.


Crushing the COVID-19 Pandemic:

Our top priority is to provide the Biden Administration with the resources it needs to crush the COVID-19 pandemic.  We have worked to expand the availability and administration of lifesaving vaccines and fought for the implementation of a national testing strategy so that we can end this tragic pandemic as soon as possible.


Providing Relief & Protecting Consumers:

We’re providing relief to struggling American families during this severe economic downturn by putting consumers first.  The Committee is fighting to make health care, prescription drug, and utility bills more affordable.  We want to ensure all Americans have access to affordable and quality health care, safe drinking water, high-speed internet, and a cleaner environment.  


Rebuilding our Economy:

A growing economy provides more opportunity for more Americans.  We’re working to rebuild our economy after dark economic days.  We are committed to building back better by modernizing our crumbling infrastructure to create millions of good-paying American jobs, combating the climate crisis, keeping us competitive on the global stage, and ensuring no community is left behind.


Combating Climate Change:

The climate crisis is one of the greatest challenges of our lifetime, and it is long past time that we aggressively tackle it.  We are committed to fighting to significantly reduce climate pollution, create a clean energy future that produces millions of good-paying American jobs, and prioritize the needs of environmental justice communities. 


Conducting Robust Oversight:

We’re conducting robust oversight to examine how to rebuild and restore critical functions of key agencies that were dismantled during the four years of the Trump Administration.  We continue to work to ensure that Washington is working for the people not the special interests.


Read Accomplishments during the 116th Congress.