Investment in transportation infrastructure is a paramount duty of Congress and has a tangible effect on economic growth. The Sixth Congressional District serves as a vital transportation hub with interregional freight corridors, airports, major waterways, rail, and commuter lines that move goods and services across the globe.

Congress must provide certainty to states by providing long-term federal transportation funding for needed infrastructure repairs and improvements. Funding to improve roads, bridges, and highways need to be targeted and efficient. Continuing the capacity expansion of the Interstate 94W Corridor; rail-grade separation and safety improvements along US-10 and US-12; and supporting transportation initiatives in the district are my top priorities.

Congress must also work to create efficiency within the infrastructure permitting process to get these critical projects moving forward and to protect our air, land, and freight transportation system.

Here is some of my recent work to get Minnesota moving again:

  • Minnesota is home to some of the most dangerous interchanges and intersections in the country. That is why I introduced the National Intersection and Interchange Safety Construction Program Act to create a dedicated funding stream for improvements to these areas.
  • Our railroad system represents a vital economic artery for the many commodities moving throughout our state. That is why I support the BRACE Act to permanently extend the tax credit for railroad track maintenance so that this system can continue to run smoothly.
  • One of my primary jobs in Congress is to bring federal dollars back to our communities. That is why I have continually advocated for infrastructure projects throughout the district.

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