House Armed Services Committee

The House Armed Services Committee has jurisdiction on defense policy, ongoing military operations, the organization and reform of the Department of Defense and Department of Energy, counter-drug programs, acquisition and industrial base policy, technology transfer and export controls, joint interoperability, the Cooperative Threat Reduction program, Department of Energy nonproliferation programs and detainee affairs and policy.

While serving on the House Armed Services Committee, Congresswoman McClain will serve on the Military Personnel and Readiness Subcommittees.

The Subcommittee on Military Personnel has jurisdiction on military personnel policy, reserve component integration and employment issues, military health care, military education and POW/MIA issues.

The Subcommittee on Readiness has jurisdiction on military readiness, training, logistics and maintenance issues and programs, military construction, installations and family housing issues, civilian personnel, energy security and environmental issues that affect the Department of Defense.

House Education and Labor Committee

The House Education and Labor Committee has jurisdiction on elementary and secondary education initiatives, higher education programs, job training, adult education, early childhood care, career and technical education programs, school lunch and child nutrition programs, at-risk youth programs, child abuse prevention, adoption programs, educational research and improvement, TANF work requirements, anti-poverty programs, pensions, health care, and other benefits covered by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, National Labor Relations Act applications, occupational safety, Family Medical Leave Act, equal employment opportunity, the Americans with Disabilities Act, temporary worker programs under the Immigration and Nationality act, the Fair Labor Standards Act, prevailing wage requirements, and union transparency.

While serving on the House Education and Labor Committee, Congresswoman McClain will serve on the Higher Education and Workforce Investment and the Civil Rights and Human Services Subcommittees.

The Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Investment has jurisdiction on postsecondary student assistance, the Higher Education act, domestic volunteer programs, all programs related to the arts and humanities, museum and library services, and arts and artifacts indemnity, postsecondary career and technical education, apprenticeship programs, workforce development, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, vocational rehabilitation, science and technology programs, and adult basic education.

The Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Human Services has jurisdiction on matters relating to equal employment opportunities and civil rights in employment, Title IX, welfare reform programs, work incentive programs and welfare-to-work requirements, poverty and human services programs, the Native American Programs Act, school lunch and child nutrition programs, care and treatment of certain at-risk youth, the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act, the Runaway and Homeless Youth Act, matters dealing with child abuse and domestic violence, and child adoption.


Congresswoman McClain has joined the following caucuses:

  • Republican Study Committee
  • Rural Broadband Caucus
  • Congressional Sportsman Caucus
  • Great Lakes Task Force
  • National Guard Caucus
  • School Choice Caucus
  • Pro-Life Caucus
  • Border Security Caucus
  • General Aviation Caucus
  • Taiwan Caucus
  • Value Action Team
  • Columbia Caucus
  • Career and Technical Education Caucus
  • Entrepreneurship Caucus
  • 5G Caucus
  • Suburban Caucus
  • Albanian Caucus
  • Bipartisan Addiction and Mental Health Task Force
  • Steel Caucus
  • Election Integrity Caucus
  • Congressional Macedonian Caucus
  • Friends of Australia Caucus
  • Special Operations Forces Caucus
  • U.S. - Lebanon Friendship Caucus
  • Albanian Issues Caucus - Co-Chair