Michigan’s family farms are among our greatest national resources. This nation was blessed with some of the most fertile farmland in the world, but such a blessing can only be cultivated to its fullest with the loving hands of American farmers. Our land and its stewards must be both protected and supplied with all they need to feed our nation’s families and the world.

As our nation moves beyond the coronavirus pandemic, reinvigorating our supply chains is one of my top priorities. Michigan’s farmers rely in reasonably priced and plentiful inputs to maximize their productivity each season. I am disturbed by rising input prices and the number of counterproductive regulations that are hindering supply chain recovery. I oppose all vaccine mandates, especially those on truck drivers and other essential workers that keep American goods moving. I am a cosponsor of the Ocean Shipping Reform Act to combat hostile trade practices and support the growth and development of U.S. exports, including agricultural goods. Where international trade is concerned, I will always put American farmers and producers first.

I support rural broadband and utility expansion to equip every American home with broadband internet. I am proud of Michigan’s biofuel industry and will fight to ensure that ethanol and biodiesel are not unfairly burdened. I believe that federal regulations all too often hurt Michigan’s farmers and will always look for opportunities to make farmers’ jobs easier.

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