Trade agreements help spur economic growth, create high-paying jobs, and protect consumers. Policies that will foster innovation and efficiency while working to create a level playing field for all American workers and businesses are vital to our success as a nation.

As a steadfast supporter of trade, I understand the importance of opening up new markets to our local economies. Minnesota exports nearly $21 billion worth of manufactured products and agricultural goods every year. Minnesota’s Sixth Congressional District’s two primary economic drivers are agriculture and manufacturing, both of which depend on open markets to sell their product. That is why I support fully lifting the embargo to Cuba so that the country’s estimated $2 billion market can become a destination for Minnesotan and American-made products. Trade with Cuba not only benefits our local and national economies, it improves our national security by advancing the economic development and human rights of the Cuban people.

Trade with Mexico and Canada holds a particular importance to the American economy, as both countries represent two of America’s largest economic partners. Canada accounts for more trade with the U.S. than all 28 European nations combined and is Minnesota’s top trading partner. Similarly, Mexico consistently ranks as a top trading partner, with a nearly ten-fold increase in trade activity between the two countries since the 1990s. That is why I support an expedited approval of the improved United States – Mexico – Canada Agreement (USMCA) to open back up the markets of our two closest neighbors and put the United States on an even playing field.

Here are some examples of my work on trade:

  • Canada and Mexico have long been important trade partners for the business and agriculture industries in Minnesota’s Sixth District. That’s why I have urged passage of new trade deals that benefit the Unites States.
  • We can open new markets to Minnesota’s goods and end policies that have only harmed our region. That why I have repeatedly urged the ending of the embargo against Cuba.
  • Supporting trade negotiations and ratifying agreements are crucial. That’s why, as one of my first actions in Congress, I led a freshman letter in support of Trade Promotion Authority.

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