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Women in the Senate

There are currently 24 women in the Senate. Find out more about them and their predecessors with the links below.

Origins & Developments

Women of the Senate
The Senate and Women’s Fight for the Vote (Nineteenth Amendment)
A Vote for Women

Senate Firsts

First Woman Senator Appointed Oct 3, 1922
A Woman Presides over the Senate Oct 19, 1943
First Woman Elected to Both Houses of Congress Sep 13, 1948
Margaret Chase Smith, Foreign Correspondent Oct 1954
The First Televised Presidential Debate Nov 4, 1956
Mach Buster Maggie: The Supersonic Senator from Maine Dec 3, 1957
First Female Pages in the Senate May 14, 1971
"Year of the Woman" Jan 3, 1993

Women & the Senate

Women Senators

Women Senators
Featured Senators
Hattie Wyatt Caraway
Rebecca Latimer Felton
Nancy L. Kassebaum
Margaret Chase Smith | Smith's Declaration of Conscience, Jun 1, 1950
Carol Moseley Braun
Book Profile
Nine and Counting

Senate Staff

Kate Brown
Oral Histories
            Linda Gustitus
            First Female Senate Pages
            Elizabeth Letchworth
            Christine S. McCreary  |   Audio Clip
            Dorothye G. Scott
            Ruth Young Watt  |   Audio Clip

Art & Photographs

Paintings & Sculpture

Women & Senate Art
Featured Senate Debate: Capitol Artist Vinnie Ream
Portrait: Hattie Caraway by John Oliver Buckley
Portrait: Margaret Chase Smith by Ronald Frontin


Women in the Senate: Former Senators
Breaking New Ground--Women of the Senate
Rebecca Felton
Hattie Caraway
Margaret Chase Smith

Women in Congress

Women in Congress (
Women in Congress 1917-, (CRS) (PDF)

Related Items   Minorities in the Senate