
Recovery Update: Status of FEMA Recovery Efforts in Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands 5 Years After Hurricanes Irma & Maria

Subcommittee: Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management Date: Thursday, September 15, 2022 Time: 10:00 AM Location: 2167 Rayburn House Office Building and Virtually
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Five years after the devastation Hurricanes Irma and Maria brought to Puerto Rico and the USVI progress has been made in the recovery efforts. However, many challenges remain. This hearing will provide the subcommittee an opportunity to hear directly from federal and territory officials on the remaining challenges in Puerto Rico and the USVI and lessons Congress might learn from the disaster recoveries.


  1. Panel I- Anne Bink
    Associate Administrator
    Office of Response and Recovery; Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
  2. Panel II- Chris Currie
    Office of Homeland Security and Justice; Government Accountability Office; U.S. Department of Homeland Security
  3. Panel II- Adrienne Williams
    Office of Disaster Recovery
  4. Panel II- Manuel Laboy
    Executive Director
    Office for Recovery, Reconstruction, and Resiliency
  5. Panel II- Shay Bahramirad
    Senior Vice President
    LUMA Energy
  6. Panel II- Josué Colón
    Executive Director
    Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority