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Small Business & Entrepreneurship

As a former small business leader, I know the unique struggles facing our small businesses and how those struggles have affected our Commonwealth and country.



As a member of both the House Foreign Affairs and Armed Services Committees, it is my responsibility to conduct oversight on matters of national security.


Civility &

A strong democracy requires respectful disagreement, debate and compromise, not constant and automatic fear and disparagement of decisions or people you may not agree with.



Health care is a deeply important issue to me. As I have spent time in our community, I have heard loud and clear how important access to quality, affordable health care is.



As a third-generation veteran, the responsibility our country has to those who have so bravely served it is something I take very seriously.


In The Press

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Representatives Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA) and Judy Chu (D-CA), Small Business Committee Chairwoman Nydia M. Velazquez (D-NY), and 37 colleagues sent a letter to SBA Administrator Isabella Casillas Guzman urging common sense reform to the Paycheck Prot...

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READING, PA – Yesterday, Representative Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA) toured Alvernia University’s John R. Post Center at Reading CollegeTowne to receive an update on their expansion into downtown Reading and future plans. The second phase of their expansion will add a new Physici...

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PHOENIXVILLE, PA – This week, Representative Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA) and Mayor Peter Urscheler gathered at the new Phoenixville Fire Station with nearly 50 first responders and community leaders in reflection of Hurricane Ida’s destruction one year ago this week. The visit i...

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Serving You

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Our office provides a number of services for our constituents. Please find more information here on how to request assistance.

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Constituent Success Stories

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I'm Brazilian and in my home country we can't reach out easily to elected officials to advocate for us. This experience was amazing and thanks to Rep. Houlahan's staff, I'll be able to travel back to Brazil before I expected to see my newborn daughter. I am so happy and proud to be emigrating to this wonderful country. — Bruno
We need more advertising to the public that advocacy exists through our elected officials. Many cannot afford lawyers, so they give up and become complacent. I applaud Congresswoman Houlahan and her staff. I feel hopeful. I know I, and others like me, DO NOT HAVE TO SUFFER IN SILENCE. We only need to reach out. — Marykay
Representative Houlahan and her staff responded to my request and started working on my behalf in no time. They are so supportive and considerate--my special needs son and I really appreciated their help! — Lusha
The minute I told them my problem, they went into action. They even called me after 6:00PM to check on me to make sure I was OK. — Barry

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Roll Call 444
Roll Call Yea
Roll Call 443
Roll Call Yea
Roll Call 442
Roll Call Yea
Roll Call 441
Roll Call Yea
Bill H.R. 1456
Roll Call 440
Roll Call Yea
Roll Call 439
Roll Call Yea
Roll Call 438
Roll Call Yea
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