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Latest News

Simpson Scores A+ from Firearm Association

Simpson Scores A+ from Firearm Association Washington, D.C. – Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson today announced his A+ rating from the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), a trade association for the firearms industr...

Idaho Delegation Applauds Micron Announcement

BOISE, Idaho – Today, the Idaho Congressional Delegation applauded Micron Technology on its announcement that it will construct a new memory chip plant in Boise, the first new memory semiconductor manufacturing fab built...

Simpson Statement on Democrat Spending Bill

Simpson Statement on Democrat Spending Bill Washington, D.C. – Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson today made the following statement on the passage of Democrats’ so-called “Inflation Reduction Act.” “No matter the name of th...

Legislation Updates

Date Roll Call Bill Number Title Vote
09/15 437 H.R. 2988 Whistleblower Protection Improvement Act of 2021 Nay
09/15 436 H.Amdt. 314 Amendments en bloc comprised of amendments numbered 1, 2, 3,... No
09/15 435 H.R. 8326 Ensuring a Fair and Accurate Census Act Nay
09/15 434 H.Amdt. 316 Amendment sought to eliminate for-cause removal requirements... Aye
09/15 433 H.Amdt. 315 Amendments en bloc comprised of amendments numbered 1 and 3,... No
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