Women’s rights are human rights. Congresswoman Speier has fought her entire career for women and girls to be able to reach their full potential. Their right to make their own health care decisions, their right to earn equal pay for equal work, and their right to succeed in work environments free from harassment and discrimination – to name a few.
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Congresswoman Speier firmly believes that health care is a human right and that our health care system should work on behalf of the people. Today, 30 million Americans are uninsured and an additional 40 million can’t afford their copays or deductibles. The United States is the only high-income industrialized nation in the world that does not provide health care for all its residents. As the U.S. works toward achieving universal coverage, Congresswoman Speier will continue to fight back against the Trump Administration’s attempts to roll back the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and preserve important protections for people with pre-existing conditions.
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The United States has been the world’s envy when it comes to technological innovation and shared prosperity. We must ensure that these virtues form the foundation of a new 21st century economy that works for everyone.
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A criminal sat in the Oval Office for four years, and though he is now gone it falls to Congress to hold him accountable for his wrongdoing.
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California has always been at the forefront of the fight for equality. Embodying this spirit, Congresswoman Speier is a passionate ally to the LGBTQ community. As a proud member of the LGBT Equality Caucus and the Transgender Equality Task Force, she champions legislation that pushes our country closer toward true equality for every American.
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Congresswoman Speier believes that our gun violence epidemic is one of the most pressing public health crises of our time. Each day, an average of 100 Americans are killed with a gun. In 2018, close to 40,000 Americans, including 3,000 children, died of firearm injuries.
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Congresswoman Speier is deeply committed to keeping Americans safe and advancing democratic values around the world. She believes that providing effective oversight of our national security apparatus is essential to accomplishing these objectives.
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Elections are the foundational processes of our democracy. We cannot take for granted free and fair elections nor can we ignore Congress’ role in ensuring that elections across the country operate effectively.
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Our brave servicemembers and veterans deserve the very best from Congress, our government, and the American people. These individuals and their families put their lives on the line for our country, make constant personal and professional sacrifices to fulfill military requirements, and endure working conditions that are often dangerous.
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One of Congress’ most important responsibilities is protecting Americans from harmful commercial products and activities. New technologies, materials, and products may show promise, but they can come with new and unforeseen harms. 
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Congresswoman Speier believes that every student deserves the opportunity to receive a high-quality education, from early childhood to higher education, regardless of income or zip code.
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California’s 14th Congressional District faces immense losses and exorbitant costs if we don’t take immediate action to address the climate crisis. Sea level rise alone is projected to cost San Mateo over $39 billion over the next 50 to 100 years, and the Bay Area is not alone.
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The Bay Area has changed drastically over the past two decades. The cost of living and traffic congestion have skyrocketed, impacting residents’ quality of life. Consequently, it’s more important than ever to invest in our aging infrastructure.
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In 2012, Congresswoman Speier visited the Marine Corps base Camp Lejeune, where she witnessed a sexual assault case in the final stages of a court-martial. What she witnessed appalled her.
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Congresswoman Speier is horrified that our broken immigration system forces individuals and families into the shadows and abuses their basic human rights. She is a longtime advocate for comprehensive immigration reform to provide stability for the 11 million undocumented people living in the United States...
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Congresswoman Speier believes that the Bay Area housing crisis is one of the most pressing challenges facing her constituents today. The lack of affordable housing has led to skyrocketing homelessness, seniors trying to survive on fixed incomes, and a widening inequality gap.
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Efforts to address airport noise have in large part been propelled by members of the community who have become activists out of necessity. Congresswoman Speier has always championed the power of public engagement, which is why she believes it’s critical to provide constituents with the necessary information and tools to help better understand the issues affecting their community and advocate for change.
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